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  1. sistrmary

    how do u tell the sex of a cleaner shrimp?

    haha! I like your wife!
  2. sistrmary

    my 75 gallon tank stocking

    They're damselfish :D Depending on the size of your puffer, I'm not sure how long their aggression levels will matter anyways...unless you got some really fast chromis! Don't get me wrong, I love my porc...but it will eat anything that fits in its' mouth and crosses its path too slowly...
  3. sistrmary

    discolored koran face?

    I've seen a few. One in an LFS lol I was rather surprised at that one. I wouldn't say that they're ugly when they mature...fully. They look like crap *as* they're maturing though lol That part I will back.
  4. sistrmary

    For Sale 110 complete setup Madison, WI

    "have no idea where it came from, but has eaten several dozen snails and crabs and will be sacrificed rudely if I can ever catch the little sucker !!!" I took this line to negate it as part of the whole package. He'd kill it if he could. Hell, he may want to anyway. I'm not quite sure what your...
  5. sistrmary

    Keep the damsels??

    I dunno *laughs* Everyone has questions about feeding freshwater fish to saltwater fish...I've never encountered this question before :o /me puts on dunce cap
  6. sistrmary

    discolored koran face?

    Is it a juvenile or an adult? If it's an adult, di dyou buy it as a juvenile? the reason I ask is that there are four or five juvenile angels that look nearly exactly alike, and are commonly just lumped under the "Koran" name in LFS's.
  7. sistrmary

    Keep the damsels??

    I'd move the damsels to the toilet ;) or back to the LFS.
  8. sistrmary

    Clown for my Condi

    I don't know that I'd suggest any anemone for a beginner (just ends up costing hundreds of dollars and a couple ten anemones) but I also wouldn't suggest a snowflake eel in a ten gallon or a trigger with a bamboo shark. JMO
  9. sistrmary

    debate... Anemones and the simbolic algi

    It makes sense. The zooxanthellae (symbiotic algae that is one of the major life-giving things within anemones and some reef-forming corals) requires specialized light just as other algaes do. The only downside I could see from this is the "bad" algae bloom that comes with having premium plant...
  10. sistrmary

    Anyone with a Tiger Goby?

    It'll take a while, but eventually all the dust from the sand will be sucked up in the filters and your water will be pretty again :D
  11. sistrmary

    Anyone with a Tiger Goby?

    Yes yes lol A goldenhead sleeper and a dragon/brown barred goby. Both of them made huge messes of my tanks at times. My goldenhead died recently after thriving for a year thanks to a stupid lawnmower blenny that I'd gotten for my other tank. (Not that I'm bitter or anything.) But after a while...
  12. sistrmary

    sharpnosed puffers

    I have a fingerprint toby in with my porcupine puffer and they get along fine (in a 90gal show tank). But I think that a 30gal is a bit small for most puffers. It's fine for tobies because they only get 5" long *tops*with most of them maxing out at 4". Tobies will fight with conspecifics. (most...
  13. sistrmary

    gynmomuraena zebra info needed

    They're great! They need lots of rock to hide in. They're a bit of a threat to shrimp and crabs. They don't see very well, they just use their sense of smells to find food. Make sure the one at your LFS is eating before you get it. Ask them to feed it, and if it doesn't feed the first time, ask...
  14. sistrmary

    Whats your most aggrssive?

    At feeding time, it would be my porcupine puffer. If it sees the syringe go into the tank it will latch on and just swallow everything that comes out of it. (Makes me worry a bit about my fingers in the tank!) Most aggressive *style* of feeding would be my panther grouper. I used to feed the...
  15. sistrmary

    Trigger Fish

    He's probably trying to get you to stick your finger in the tank cause he's hungry!! :D j/k! (sort of) If you get a small one, I don't see any problem with you having a picasso trigger...they get about 9 inches long, so it might be pushing it...but if you get a smaller one, I don't see a problem...
  16. sistrmary

    Is it worth it

    You could go to Wal*Mart and get one of those 10-20gal desktop tanks w/light/hood, and filter for 25 dollars and you could set up a baby tank with a small damsel, a starfish, some crabs/shrimp/snails and some low-light mushrooms. Just get some small stuff that you can take with you easily in a...
  17. sistrmary

    46 reef setup ideas?

    I've never had a problem with my CBS. I think a clown goby is about as small as you can get, and it coexsists fine with one, as well as firefish. I often wonder where people get this vicious CBS thing from, but I guess that I've just been lucky with both of mine. Until I see it killing...
  18. sistrmary

    Carb Identification?

    I have a hermit that juggles my LR...rolls over onto the back of its' shell and tosses it around. Freakishly strong. (It's also huge, but the rock is twice its size at *least*)
  19. sistrmary


    Elephant ear mushrooms require almost *no* light, and they're tougher than anything I've ever come across. Mine was ripped in half by a bristleworm, and within weeks you couldn't really tell unless you were looking for the thin white scar. They eat smaller...more stupid fish that try to nap on...
  20. sistrmary

    What fish in my new 20?

    As long as dottybacks are alone, they're fine. But they're mean SOB's. The smaller wrasses are really colorful (fairy wrasses and flasher wrasses) bright rainbow fish! Tobies are very colorful and interesting (as long as you don't want snails) Some hawkfish are small enough (They're about as...