Search results

  1. granny

    Help with tank idea....

    The Zebra Lionfish is actually a dwarf lion reaching around 7 inches. Your tank is plenty large enough for one. In choosing tankmates you want to make sure the other fish is too large to fit in the lions mouth. They will eat fish almost as large as themselves. An eel, a Hogfish, a large enough...
  2. granny

    reef safe?

    The temptation is alway so great to pick something up and bring it home. In the olden days that is how we supplied our tanks with critters-but so much of it was hit and miss and there were not laws governing the collection as so few individual hobbyists existed. Dont feel too bad, but it would...
  3. granny


    Also check your skimmer, if you have one. They are notorious for clogging venturies and need cleaning out or bubbles will be produced-usally very tine ones.
  4. granny

    what fish can I add?

    The Maroon Clown is the most aggressive of all the clowns and very territorial. It would be safest to add a peaceful fish that is very different in body shape and occupies a different level of the tank, like a Gobie of some kind. Why dont you get one of the shirmp gobies and a pistol shrimp...
  5. granny

    Emergency Help!

    This is NOT a good situation. I hate to state the obvious, but WHY did you add fish to a tank that is being treated??? that is a huge no no,neve do it, no no. Your skimmer will not work withe the salinity so low-yes, you need to bring the SG levels up, but you cant do it too fast. Pray, change...
  6. granny

    reef safe?

    I doubt it, but dont know for sure. It is always risky adding anything wildcaught to your established tank. Suggest you put them in your quarantine tank for observation for a while till positively identified. you might also put some live rock inthere and see what they do. Are they hermits, not...
  7. granny

    how to keep things from getting sucked into the CL intake

    The problem is that shrimp can get around and into anything. Unless the rock work blocks the screen intake completely, you cant eliminate the suction-only divert it. You probably wont have to clean the sponge every day, but at least every few days. Actually now that I think of it, there is stiff...
  8. granny

    how to keep things from getting sucked into the CL intake

    or put a piece of foam/sponge over it which reduces the suction, filters debris and avoids that problem.
  9. granny

    Good place to get canopy/better lighting?

  10. granny

    anyone bought fish from this site

    Yes, and Yes. The fish arrived looking as if they had just been dipped out of the tanks. Always take your time in acclimating-these fish have been so stressed-it is tempting to toss them in the tank, but introduce them slowly and you will get better results.
  11. granny

    Are You Feeding DT'S Phytoplankton?

    I dont have a lot of corals, but I feed it(the tank) twice a week with a turkey baster. keep the jar in the refrigerator. I think it is beneficial to all filter feeders. I know that what I do have is healthy - sun coral, candy cane coral, feather duster worms, colonial polyps, green star polyps...
  12. granny

    bragging board!!!!

    OK, from an old fishkeeper. At my last address in Va. Beach where I lived from 1981 to 1996, when I moved and had to break all my tanks down (had about 10 or 12-cant remember exactly) I had one TIlapia for 8years-finally put him in a pond at Animal Jungle where he proceeded to eat their Koi- I...
  13. granny

    Stocking Q's for a 55G Tank

    I have seen dwarf lions eat fish larger than a royal gramma. Would not suggest it. Lions and eels are an entirely different jendre than grammas and clowns. Two are happy go lucky, friendly, eat nice little food. the other two are tough guys, big mouths, evil eyes-eat live food that fits in...
  14. granny

    BioBall question

    You will get a lot of advice from folks-remember that there is not just one right way to do most things. Bioballs are a great product for bacteria to develop on-max oxygenation and large surface area. In fish only tanks, they quckly reduce ammonia and nitrites into relatively harmless...
  15. granny

    tigger pods

    Yes, Please. I posted this question last night looking for pods. Sent you an e-mail
  16. granny

    Live Rock

    OR____ fill a rubber trash can with salt water and put your live rock in that with a powerhead to start cleaning it up. Then it will be in better shape when you go to put it in your tank. You will need a large trash can or some kind of receptacle for your water changes anyway. Lowes sells a nice...
  17. granny

    Thomas - question

    Go to the Search at top of page, type in BTA, splitting. You will see the threads that I mentioned, including the pictures. This should answer your questions so you can tell which applies to yours.
  18. granny

    star polyps

    Hats off to you, Hagfish. It never occured to me that joojoo might be looking at the tubes, not the actual polyps!! They are kind of a maroon purple though, not real purple like grapesand blueberries and purple crayons!
  19. granny

    Thomas - question

    I'm obviously not Thomas, but your question is an easy one to answer. That is how they multiply. Check the threads and you will find extensive info, including pictures on this topic.
  20. granny

    star polyps

    Does it really matter whether they are green or purple?? Just curious. I would love to have soething purple in my tank-lots of things are green and the star pollyps do come in different colors-different lighting will make them appear to be brown, green, or perhaps even PURPLE!