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  1. mlm

    SPS and 175MH?

    Try some of the branching Montipora species first and see how they do. They are among the hardiest of sps and require less light that Acropora.
  2. mlm

    Aquarium Chiller for 100 Gallon tank

    I have a 1/4 hp for my 120. I would not go with sdomthing as small as a 1/10 for a hundred gallon tank.
  3. mlm

    Fungia question

    Mine gets bigger right after it eats and then looks great for the next few days. I try to feed it twice a week.
  4. mlm

    what brand of salt does everyone use?:D

    Red Sea.
  5. mlm

    Nano Protein Skimmer

    When I firts started and did not know about over flows and such things I had one of those attached to a fluval 404. It worked great most of the time but it did need some tinkering every once in a while to keep it going.
  6. mlm

    Damn I am MAD AS HELL!

    Its not that big of a problem. Just correct the powerhead and the water will settle out soon.
  7. mlm

    Nutrient Export

    He could but then that would not really be getting rid of the nutrients b/c the tang would just put them right back into the system in a different form.
  8. mlm

    things found on the beach

  9. mlm

    Flow rate question

    Definitly. my one 1.5 inch is way more than enough for the mag 24 (2400 gph).
  10. mlm

    Flow rate question

    Mine is a 1.5 inch on my 120 and it handles the flow of a Mag 24 with tons of room to spare.
  11. mlm

    sand in wet/dry remove or not

    I would leave it. Looks like you have a ton of worms moving through it.
  12. mlm

    id pelase?

    Green Star Polyps.
  13. mlm

    what eats amphipods?

    Every once in a while I see my Six-line grab one from the live rock. It must be eating a lot of them b/c I rarely see them in my tank although I have millions of copepods.
  14. mlm

    Iwasaki 6500K MH bulb

    I used the 2 400 watt 6500k's and 2 110 watt actinics with extremely great growth however after 4 months I did not like how the corals all looked brown so I switched to Ushio 10k bulbs and the color is better and I have not seen any difference in growth rates. Its only been one month though...
  15. mlm

    Let's see your brains

  16. mlm

    Let's see your brains

  17. mlm

    Let's see your brains

    Here are 3 closed brains that I keep in my tank:
  18. mlm

    Lighting for Inverts

    Actually these critters like dim lighting or none at all. Most of them are nighttime feeders.
  19. mlm

    clam lighting

    I woul not attempt it with that lighting.
  20. mlm

    bugs galor

    You seeing so many critters b/c the fish are not there to eat them.