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  1. mlm

    Yellow Porites question (and a brain one too)

    Porties need a lot of intense light just like any other sps. Yours may not be getting enough light with your current setup. They also do not a lot of current to keep them clean from detritus and algea build up. They also have a waxy skin that shed every once in a while to help keep themsevles...
  2. mlm

    adding calcium WITHOUT dripping

    I used to add seachem reef advantage calcium (powder) and Reef Builder (powder) directly to my tank without dripping. Now I have a calcium reactor.
  3. mlm

    Best Skimmer for a 140gallon tank?

    How much are you looking to spend?
  4. mlm

    Lighting for a 55 gallon

    I would go for a 4 by 110 watt VHO setup b/c sooner or later you will want to keep somthing besides low light softies. If you look really hard on the net you could find this setup for $250.00
  5. mlm

    Still adjusting

    I would raise the reactor output ph to 6.65 or so. When I did this to mine I found that the calcium was able to go up to 450-480 ppm.
  6. mlm

    Lifespan of Lights

    Metal Halides are once a year and flourescents are anywhere form 6 months to a year.
  7. mlm

    Lighting Question

    Depends what you want it to look like. I would go with 2 of each.
  8. mlm

    Peppermints eating coral...

    If the shrimp are eating the coral then it may be dying.
  9. mlm

    Lighting Question

    The URI 10k bulbs you are talking about (aquasun) do have a reddish look to them. Use instead two super actinic and toe actinic white bulbs by URI. This will give you the whitish blue look you are looking for.
  10. mlm

    Attn Euro Reef Skimmer owners.

    I am looking at the cs-6 24 inch high with the sedra 5000 pump. I did not mean that this skimmer made a lot of bubbles, I just want to make sur eit does not as the one I have now does.
  11. mlm

    Attn Euro Reef Skimmer owners.

    Do these skimmers put a lot of bubbles into the water? I am sick of my skimmer and am looking to get a new one.
  12. mlm

    Reef Tank Temps

    I keep mine at 81 and my chiller comes on at 82.
  13. mlm

    need an ID

    Sorry, I forgot to say please.
  14. mlm

    what kind of tang???

    I have a Hippo in my 120 and it is out all day long.
  15. mlm

    need an ID

    I know that this is some type of blenny but not exactly what type. Any info on feeding and habits would be great. Thanks.
  16. mlm

    My new clam

    I hate to be the one to tell you this but I had two separate Crocea that did this right before they died. I would bring it back if you can, but if you can't I wish you luck. I don' t think it had anything to do with my tank as the other 2 Crocea, 3 Maxima and one Deresa are all doing fine. I...
  17. mlm

    Aiptasia in my clam!? Help.

    Clams are not affected by corals or anenomies.
  18. mlm

    will they kill each other???

    Originally they wer a couple of inches apart, but now they are seeming to move toward each other.
  19. mlm

    will they kill each other???

    Will this plate coral and this tounge coral (they one without the groove or mouth in the middle) kill each other if the come in contact?
  20. mlm

    Aquarium Chiller for 100 Gallon tank

    Always better to go bigger.