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  1. tscuda


    I had 1 once. Was a 69 with a 340 ohhh you mean the fish. They get to be around 6 foot long. How big of a tank you got?
  2. tscuda

    WARNING: Grounding Devices

    The strip is a surge protector. The GFIC is a plug. It has the red reset button in the center. But most strips are not protectors.
  3. tscuda

    WARNING: Grounding Devices

    The strip is a surge protector. The GFIC is a plug. It has the red reset button in the center. But most strips are not protectors.
  4. tscuda

    What Kind Of Fish!!!

    In my 55 I have a Foxface,Perc Clown,Spotted Hawk,Banggai Cardinal,Coral Beauty, and a few Green Chromis's. Peaceful tank. Plenty of room for all right now. But will be up grading them to a 90 gal.
  5. tscuda

    WARNING: Grounding Devices

    The Surge protector only stops incoming current. So it only works up to it. The GFIC works with the current that is already there. I built my house in 2000. So every where there is water (tanks, kitchen, bathroom, laundry room) I have a GFIC. The inspector said I was a lil over kill (only need...
  6. tscuda

    clown trigger

    The pics make it look like atleast a 35 gal
  7. tscuda

    clown trigger

    That looks bigger than a 10 gal nano.
  8. tscuda

    Which 1st?

    I'm in the planning stages of doing a 200/250 gal aggressive tank. I havent desided on which fish as of yet.(Dog Face Puffer and a Snow Flake Eel seem to stand out) But the question is almost all the fish I looked at say to add last. How did you all go about that?
  9. tscuda

    are there any scavengers that would servive an agressive tank

    Could be worse. Whitey could have made that remark LOL ( thought I'd even that out a little)
  10. tscuda


    Go up to the top and hit search. There's a bunch of posts with pics.
  11. tscuda

    Death By Sand!!!!

    Lets see now How deep is the sand bed in the ocean???????????
  12. tscuda


    I'd say the clowns and the Damsels might become food for the DogFace and Eel
  13. tscuda

    How Much LR in Sump/Refugium?

    As for the clean up crew all I have in there are worms and a few mini stars that hitch hiked in there. Was thinking of maybe adding 2 snails.
  14. tscuda

    How Much LR in Sump/Refugium?

    For the waste I have a hob b4 the return. Thats where I have my carbon at. Home made sump. Water dumps right onto the ruble and algea. Then into hob and skimmer then to the pump. Works good for me. It got rid of the cyno fast.
  15. tscuda

    How Much LR in Sump/Refugium?

    10 lbs is how much I have in mine. About 12 gal water in a 20 gal sump.
  16. tscuda

    Hitchiker ID please !!

    Nice looking buds in your album.
  17. tscuda


    I got one off of that auction site for pretty cheap. I read that some think they are garbage but I haven't had any problems with mine.
  18. tscuda

    For Fresjwater Tank Owners

    A Oscar will out grow a 10 gal tank in no time. Go with Tiger Barbs, Plattys, Molleys,a bunch of Neons and maybe 1 Beta. IMO I'd stay away from an Angel in that small of a tank. Any mix of those would be alright.
  19. tscuda

    Help!! stuck damesel

    Get a pair of rubber gloves and have at it.
  20. tscuda


    Or catch the mother now and put in a qt tank