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  1. j. crow

    Can I mix shrimp?

    The only shrimp that I know of that don't mix well are Coral Banded Shrimp, Pistol Shrimps, and Mantis Shrimps.. Now I have a Skunk Cleaner with my Coral Banded Shrimp and they're fine, the CBS doesn't like the Cleaner to get near him but no over the top aggression or chasing.. all shrimp are...
  2. j. crow

    Keeping sand clean?

    How well does one fighting conch clean a deep sand bed?
  3. j. crow

    Keeping sand clean?

    Nah.. My tank isn't new, I just moved it about 2-3 months ago but kept most of the water and everything.. It was set up at my old house for at least a year or almost 2.. I was on the fence about a diamond goby but I'd prefer to other things before.. It's all a big maybe for me
  4. j. crow

    Keeping sand clean?

    What would be the best animal/thing to add to the tank to keep the sandbed nice and clean?
  5. j. crow

    Niger Trigger stocklist

    I once had a niger trigger for about 2 years stayed about 3 inches and never grew.
  6. j. crow

    your favourite stocklist!

    1 Octopus 1 Violtin's Lionfish 50 Yellowheaded Jawfish 1 Dragon Moray Eel Then I dunno.. A few fish to swim around and make it look active since most of those fish aren't very hyper.
  7. j. crow

    45g Stocklist Help

    Well, I have a 45 gallon too so I'll post my stocklist here just to give you an idea of some of things you can put in it: 2 Clowns 1 PJ Cardinal 1 Pygmy Angelfish 1 Yellowheaded Jawfish 1 Coral Banded Shrimp 1 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp And a bunch of small shell inverts
  8. j. crow

    Do Jawfish normally eat flakes?

    He seems to take to squid alot
  9. j. crow

    Do Jawfish normally eat flakes?

    I do feed them frozen food once a day but i prefer to give them flake food.. I was just wondering if Jawfish normally don't eat flakes, mine won't
  10. j. crow

    Coral banded shrimp compatibility

    I have a CBS with a Cleaner Shrimp, but it really depends on their personality ..Some are evil and some are good, I lucked out since I've had them together for a year or two
  11. j. crow

    Fighting Conch and Little Bear Conch?

    Ye, I have a Little Bear Conch right now and he just destroyed the hair algae population. I was just wondering because I heard a Fighting Conch would kill a Little Bear somewhere, I was playing it safe
  12. j. crow

    Fighting Conch and Little Bear Conch?

    Would they be fine together?
  13. j. crow

    Our 40gallon

    Your tank looks so much better than mine lol, do Porcelain Crabs get aggressive at all? or do they pose as much as a threat to others as much as a small hermit? lol
  14. j. crow

    matching, hosting, exc...

    I added a smaller one to my tank and they took to each other right away, go smaller than the clown you have in there now and it should be fine
  15. j. crow

    small dead worm pieces in new tank

    All kinds of things live in that live rock, even if you never see them for yourself
  16. j. crow

    26 gall tank need help%% %% %%

    A yellow and hippo tang would be too large for a 26 gallon
  17. j. crow

    Most fun to watch fish.

    I've never had one but a Longnose Hawkfish ..I was lookin at one at the pet store as it eye'd a fly on the glass, chasing it around in the tank
  18. j. crow

    Do Firefish burrow?

    Of any kind in the sand?
  19. j. crow

    This is a stupid question but..

    Oh.. I dunno, I just always assumed fish only meant fish only. Thanks for the answers
  20. j. crow

    This is a stupid question but..

    How do fish only tanks keep rock and sand crystal clear?