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  1. zephyrlily

    Any soccer fans out there?

  2. zephyrlily

    Joe's Juice and shrimp

    I guess not, the shrimp is... o/` working at the carwash yeah... o/`
  3. zephyrlily

    black sailfin blenny

    Originally Posted by cocoboy821 he seems to get tired or have trouble swimmin or something.. That's a typical blenny. They're better at rock dwelling than swimming. When its feeding time mine does the same routine: swim and eat, stop and pant, swim and eat, stop and pant...
  4. zephyrlily

    Ammonia Spike, two months after cycling?

    Try Amquel+, it works pretty good.
  5. zephyrlily

    Just downgraded to 29 gallon....

    Looks great! Nice shots :) Just curious, what made you want to downgrade?
  6. zephyrlily

    Less then a day old 8 Gallon

    Nice update! Looks like Sushi's crib has been souped up. Where does she sleep at night? When I had mine in a nano cube and the lights went out she would suction herself to the intake, 'Look Ma, no swimming!'
  7. zephyrlily

    Joe's Juice and shrimp

    Is Joe's Juice harmful to shrimp? My cleaner likes to pick away at it, he's done it before with no problem. This last aiptasia was pretty large though and the shrimp keeps messing with whats left of it, causing bits of it to float around and the fish end up eating it too. :mad: Shooing a...
  8. zephyrlily

    50/50 or 10K for fowlr

    Thanks, I'll try the 50/50 this time.
  9. zephyrlily

    My new pet!

    How big is she? Is she tame?
  10. zephyrlily

    50/50 or 10K for fowlr

    Does a 50/50 (6.5K) show brighter than a 10k? I currently have a 10k 15w in my 20g. Which one is better for a fowlr (w/ cleaner shrimp & crabs)?
  11. zephyrlily

    Tiger Jawfish Feeding Video

    I couldn't stop laughing when I heard the song, how appropriate.
  12. zephyrlily

    Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W90

    I'm getting pretty close to buying this one. If anyone has this one or it's predecessor W100 let me know what you think of it and if you have any tank shots, post 'em
  13. zephyrlily

    my new canopy

    That looks awesome! So does your tank! (you have close ups?)
  14. zephyrlily

    CPR Bak Pak as main filter?

    Can anyone with a Bak Pak 2 tell me if it works as a filter as well? (Thanks BamBam_250r, I'll read up on that Prizm too)
  15. zephyrlily

    Help!!! Newborn Kitten!!!

    Also, after bottle/syringe feeding you should wipe the genital area with a damp cotton ball to stimulate the kitten to pee/poop
  16. zephyrlily

    CPR Bak Pak as main filter?

    *'nana bump*
  17. zephyrlily

    CPR Bak Pak as main filter?

    I have a 20g fowlr that's been running 3 years on a Millenium 2k filter with no problems. The water surface has always had that dusty look when viewed from underneath, I'm thinking a skimmer would clear that up but I don't have room to add to the back (a portable fan is taking up space also). I...
  18. zephyrlily

    This Guy Is Getting Tooooo Big!

    You could also try giving him the Hellboy look. I kid, I kid! He is cute though. I agree with finding him a fowler home. :happyfish
  19. zephyrlily

    edit my picture!

    These are funny! Reckler you should post each new picture on a different thread, Edit my picture #2, #3, ... etc. :happyfish
  20. zephyrlily

    Computer Help Please.Super Slow Internet Page Refresh Rates

    Originally Posted by efishnsea I had ad aware and forgot the name of the other one I deleted. I had them for 6 mths though. Found lots of stuff, this A-squared is a spyware program recommended by Max PC, I have found that mag to be pretty honest and very informative???? Download Spybot, it...