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  1. pfitz44

    Tank Size for Tangs (Help)

    Right onw i have a baby hippo (<1.5") in my 55 gal. Please dont Flame. I am planning on upgrading in about 2-3 mts. I know people say that tangs in general need 6" of swiming room. I can get a deal on a 120, but its 48"X24"X24". Am i correct in assuming that this will not work?
  2. pfitz44

    lawnmower blenny aggressive?

    My LMB is agressive twards my regal tang.... Im going to give him a few more days to see how he acts, and off to the fuge he goes for a day!
  3. pfitz44

    Mercuy Vapour

    Not really.... As stated before, FIXTURES and BALLAST from lowes or HD will work fine. BULBS will not. They are not the right spectrum. Be careful to match the bulb and the ballast properly, or the bulb will not last its full potential. On the 5,000 hr part, he is probabilly right. Old street...
  4. pfitz44

    quarantine tanks..and cycling them

    most of the bacteria that causes the nitrogen cycle lives on surfaces of stuff... ie LR, sand, etc. Some live in the water, but not most. That is why when you do water changes, your tank doesnt cycle everytime
  5. pfitz44

    FYI: Electricity questions answered!

    But if there is a good grounding device in the water, and no gfci, then your fish will suffer. Its as plain and simple as that. If you would like to disagree, grab the hot wire with one hand, and the ground with the other. stay like that for the rest of your life. Bet it will be a short one
  6. pfitz44

    electric bill - please help

    That size could be anything.... On the wattage thing, what ever the ballast states, is what the light will operate at. Your ballast may say 300W, but that is because it is also measuring the power loss that goes into heating the core, and leakage currents. NY, i definitly wouldnt say twice the...
  7. pfitz44

    electric bill - please help

    0 :hilarious But in all seriousness, get an electronic one... there are far more efficient.... shoot me an email
  8. pfitz44

    Growing Chaeto

    1) 24hrs is best 2) Shortly. I have to trim mine back monthly 3) Sure
  9. pfitz44

    Bristle Worm

    Bristle works will only become a problem if you are overfeeding. Id leave him in there. Theyre harmless scavengers
  10. pfitz44

    electric bill - please help

    yes. The magnetic ballasts are very inificient compared to the electronic ones. To give you an idea, there should be a nameplate on it somewere with a % impeadance. This value is how much waste electricity there is just heating up the core of the ballast.
  11. pfitz44

    What Is Salinity Supposed To Be?

    your specific gravity should be no lower than 1.025 salinity is something completly different, and depends on temperature
  12. pfitz44

    No cycle?

    you could be all set
  13. pfitz44

    Night time pics form my 470

    Can we see a fish list??? YOUR TANK ROCKS!
  14. pfitz44

    FYI: Electricity questions answered!

    Sure can... just ensure that the drip loops are in place
  15. pfitz44

    FYI: Electricity questions answered!

    Sure can... just ensure that the drip loops are in place
  16. pfitz44


    Tending to agree with Symon on this... because of the large die off.... Have lots of water ready incase the ammonia comes back up. Whats left for inhabs?
  17. pfitz44

    No cycle?

    How big is your tank? How often were you testing? How much LR do you have?
  18. pfitz44


    Get a hang on the back filter and run some carbon for a few days. It should clear up in no time. I personally put the sand in first, then pored the water on a plate that i placed on the sand.
  19. pfitz44

    help with an id plz

    looks like it could be... but tough to say for sure because of fuzzy picture
  20. pfitz44


    What are you looking for a large popultion for? They will start showing up in a week or so... Thats how long it took in my main tank.