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  1. thangbom

    Please critique and advise on my fuge plans

    from what you are planing it seem as you have things in reverse... should be skimmer left and return pump right ( you want the bubble baffle to be after your filter system and take the bubble out before it gets to the return pump) i would also make the return pump area only a little bit...
  2. thangbom

    New Guy needs some advice

    i would get like 10 of nassaris snail and like 5 cerith snails and thats it... as for feeding them.. livestock's poop and algea on the glass will feed them... it's kinda hard to jump into the coral world with little experience with saltwater tanks... shrooms are easy.. ohh and zoo's and...
  3. thangbom

    a new cycle

    you should always take things out that can 'rot' ( break down ) in your tank... YzGyz
  4. thangbom

    can a chiller be too big?

    i seen chillers om site as small as 1/12 hp... how big of a temp swing do you have??? i get like 3-4 on my tank and things still grow ( not saying that it is good or best, but they do grow) id stick to s fan.. but then again.. if it's all enclosed then maybe set-up a sump and a fan over...
  5. thangbom

    SPS Flow Question

    yeah.. imo that is the best bang for the buck if you already have MJ's.. if not then get the koralia k4 ( like $50)... those sure flow kits are like $20... YzGYz
  6. thangbom

    Help Adding New Fish

    trigger time... but you will probally have to upgrade your tank in like a year... YzGyz
  7. thangbom

    SPS Flow Question

    get maxijet sure-flow mod for those 400... you get like 1600 gph out of them..they are prebuilt.. you just take the old housing out and put in the new propellar and housing and your done.. you will only need 2 but 3 would rock.... YzGyz
  8. thangbom

    What is it like having a huge tank in the house?

    i dont have a HUGE tank but i can tell you that the work involved w/maintaining a large tank takes a new form... ( this is the reason why you see a bunch of good-high end equipment used on large tanks, it helps w/ maintience )... i only have a 155 w/ a 55 as a sump/fuge.. with only actually...
  9. thangbom

    Low Light Sps???

    well if they are that demending of light then guess im super lucky with mine then... they are about 20'' away from my t5's and it has grown 2x it's size over the 3 months i had it... YzGYz
  10. thangbom

    reef safe cement

    2 part epoxy is the best imo.. then you can use fishing line to tie them.. then maybe 'stuff stuff' the foam thing.. but you have to do it out of the water... maybe ' peg' them together?? drill small holes in them with a mason bit then use small hard airline to 'peg' them together... portland...
  11. thangbom

    quick lighting question

    i say 250... i think anything less is a wast of $$... i mean.. with a 175 you cant really do much but with a 250 you can do a lot more.. ( it lets you go the the 24'' hight ) anything less you can do better w/ other lighting set-ups ... ( t5,pc's) i think you should be fine w/a 250.. worst to...
  12. thangbom

    lighting combo

    acetenics make things color 'pop' more... but on the other hand, they dont produce any beneficial light.. while the 10k do... YzGyz
  13. thangbom

    luft vs air pump

    the only thing i know about them is that luft pumps are a lot stronger... maybe they dont use the typical diaphram to pump air... anyhow free bump YzGyz
  14. thangbom

    Question about evaporation

    that is exactly it... cuzz the only place that can actually change is the return section... the dt lvl is perdicated on the overflow height.. it will keep that high as long as water is present... that is where the return comes in.. it will do just that.. keep water present in which will keep...
  15. thangbom

    Low Light Sps???

    i say you are safe with that.. put it on the upper half and it should be ok... try a frag ... it should be ok imo... just dont let the tank get hotter than 85 deg... ohh and make sure your dont do too drastic with a tank soo small.. add a little of whatevery over time.. not all at once...
  16. thangbom

    Question about evaporation

    =^b well it's like this... the return pumps pumps water into the tank at x rate... keeping the dt tank 'full' which in turn feeds the overflow that dumps water into the fuge... so in essence the dt tank is constantly at the same water lvl... ( as long as the return pump keeps pumping the...
  17. thangbom

    Low Light Sps???

    monti caps and monti digitas... both can grow w/o mh... im sure you can grow them under vho or even pc's if they are like 7''/8''away from the bulbs YzGyz
  18. thangbom

    Question about evaporation

    humm.. never did the ph thing.. actually never even heard of adjusting top of water except if it was lime water ( kalkwasser to sup. calk/alk) whoever told you that dt will not evap if you have a fuge is full of it... they are both tied togerther ar'nt they?? so how the heck is one going to...
  19. thangbom

    calcium to high

    test both alk and calk with a different test kit to make sure the reading are right... test kits degrade over time... ( maybe take a sample to a lfs or friends house to test it ??) and if it is off.. i would mix a little bit of new mixed saltwater... airate it ( stick tube into intake of the PH...
  20. thangbom

    Have a few questions about T-8 lighting.

    i only know of t8 in aquaria as VHO ( very high output)... maybe look at the ballast ....and see if it say that anywhere... you can grow lots of stuff with vho.. softies / lps... i think the bulbs last a year .... they are better then pc imo but not better then t5ho.. but they produce the best...