Search results

  1. sterling

    200 gallon update

    So the tank is doing great!! I have all the fish I want in it. I had a male lyretail anthias and one female, picked up two more females a couple of weeks ago, so now it's the pimp and his "ho's", sorry, very bad..... And today I got the Achilles Tang I have always wanted. I know they can...
  2. sterling

    WTB: 125g with hood near Wisconsin

    I have a 125 all glass with 2 36" PC units, sump/skimmer and black stand. I'm 20 miles from Wisconsin border in Illinois.
  3. sterling

    Seaclone skimmer for sale

    150 Seaclone skimmer for sale. $75.00. If you need it shipped I will do so but won't guarantee condition on arrival and will figure up shipping charges with your zip code. Email me with any questions.
  4. sterling

    36" PC's for sale

    I have two 36" JBJ PC units for sale. Each unit has 1 96W 50/50, and 1 96W actinic. Bulbs are about 6 months old. Looking for $100 each. Will not ship. I'm located outside of Chicago. email me with any questions.
  5. sterling

    Emergency livestock transfer, some with no acclimation

    Here are some photos taken yesterday, please forgive the poor quality
  6. sterling

    Emergency livestock transfer, some with no acclimation

    Yes, they seem to be!! And the starfish too!! Never thought I'd see him alive again.
  7. sterling

    Emergency livestock transfer, some with no acclimation

    I've been setting up my 200 gallon tank and moving rock from my old tank into it, along with 100 lbs of new rock, and also moved over some of my existing sand bed, along with new, etc.,etc. to make a long story short, my old tank started crashing. I'm assuming from removing so much of the...
  8. sterling

    Updated photos of 200 Oceanic

    It's 7 feet long. The only thing "new" is the pumps for the skimmer and return. Everything else is second hand, I was lucky, everything was in great shape, the tank, skimmer, lights, sump etc. etc. I undoubltedly saved ALOT of money.
  9. sterling

    Updated photos of 200 Oceanic

    Close up shots aren't very exciting yet because most of my livestock is still in the 125. fish list?? OH YEAH!! :happyfish three more female anthias achilles tang sailfin tang tassled filefish those are what I can think of off the top of my head
  10. sterling

    Updated photos of 200 Oceanic

    Alot more rock to go in so I'll post pics when all is moved. Thanks for comments.
  11. sterling

    Updated photos of 200 Oceanic

    Hmmm, will try again with photos.
  12. sterling

    Updated photos of 200 Oceanic

    Well, things are progressing well. About another 100 #'s of LR to add from old tank. I put a couple of fish in over the past few days. Added a few simple corals. Skimmer was hooked in a couple of days ago and is doing it's job. MH's look awesome. Next step is getting the refugium finished...
  13. sterling

    Refugium question

    Ok, so my 200 is up and running for 2 weeks now. I have posted the water readings on another thread. I have a 90 gallon sump that has 3 large chambers. The first chamber is where the overflows drain into, the middle chamber is where I'm going to have the refugium, the third chamber is the...
  14. sterling

    How long have you gone without seeing your brittle star?

    YEARS!! I bought a harlequin star, similar to a brittle star, several years ago, and I see it once every 8 months or so. Usually when I move something around and it's been living under it.
  15. sterling

    really could use some advise.

    Hard time with what?
  16. sterling

    New tank water readings, opinions

    yup, i'll do that, there are little crabs etc in there, they need to eat too :)
  17. sterling

    New tank water readings, opinions

    yeah, I'll watch for that, thanks.
  18. sterling

    New tank water readings, opinions

    I did throw in some large krill the other day, I don't think I'm going to get huge spikes becuase of using so much established sand/rock/water, I was hoping that someone who has or is doing the same type of new tank setup as I am would be able to compare notes with me.
  19. sterling

    New tank water readings, opinions

    It's still early on this tank but just looking for feedback on these readings. The tank was put up on 3/22 using some new sand, lots of established sand from other tanks, lots of new rock, been adding rock from my existing tank. 3/26 ammonia 0, PH 8.0, nitrite .25, nitrate 5.0 3/31...
  20. sterling

    bad advice...

    I believe Tome is correct, 1 inch per 5're already way overstocked