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  1. pallan

    overflow problems, help please

    i got my sump/fuge set up last week and i have the water pump and overflow balanced out. in order to get them balance i turned the pump on (no flow restriction) and placed the overflow so that it pulls as much water as the pump is pushing (got a nice balance). but now i have surface film...
  2. pallan


    as to the carbon some people run it 24/7 some run it occasionally you have to find out what is best for you. Now whatever carbon you do run may be leaching phosphates back into your system. ive heard black diamond is good brand and it is what i use. i have heard that some other brands made a...
  3. pallan

    cyano? Check out this thread has alot of info and ways to beat cyno. BTW testing for posphates could depend on the brand or type of kit you use. i use hagen and always test 0 a LFS person here has a very expensive piece of...
  4. pallan

    Beth... my sea cure reply

    Originally Posted by Beth Ok, you are saying that you have put copper in your display tank? [Which means that you can not use the tank now for live rock, inverts, corals]. Stupid LFS i almost think a guy aught to sue somebody over something like this. telling you to put copper in your display...
  5. pallan

    Can I Do This???

    i dont think it is reccomended to have live rock in a tank with hypo i mean im sure you could but since alot of the live in live rock is inverts i dont think they will survive the process. JMO if nessicary to have live rock in tank maybe you could just remove it to a heated/aireated tub durning...
  6. pallan

    Quick Question

    here is a good thread about how to beat red slim algae if that is what you have google cynobacteria and look for some pictures but from your description im pretty sure thats what you got. Corraline will not be able to easily be wiped off of rocks or objects it is hard. cyno is soft and velvety...
  7. pallan

    Quick Question

    you really should not see daily changes in growth from corraline. im thinking you proabbly are having a bout of cynobacteria. not a good thing and does need to be controlled before it gets out of hand. common in new tanks with to many nutrients and possibly a lighting issue.
  8. pallan

    Nitrate #'s?

    Originally Posted by rcbc3384 It's funny you asked that. When i changed the filter the last time I didn't change the sponges. Does that make the rates rise? it sure can if they are dirty, clean them or replace often . i reuse sometimes but only after a good saltwater rinse in water im going to...
  9. pallan

    Coralife skimmer

    sorry to say but i am glad to hear im not the only one with a wet floor hehehehe random thought,,, my only other skimmer was a cpr back pak and no issues like that were possible. is this a coralife only issue or do other skimmers out there have the blow the lid off the cup problem. I quess...
  10. pallan

    Help!! -what do I do?

    i would continue to get water ready for a water change and keep some on hand. do medium water changes more often. run some carbon as well to help draw this stuff out of the water. and keep any eye out for your levels. if you notice nitites or ammonia rising means it upset your biological...
  11. pallan

    Coralife skimmer

    just hooked mine up and besides the touchy nature of the water supply, LOL see what happens if you turn the knob all the way up really quick, i dare you lol other than that its been good and already it is pulling out junk 3 days into installation. got the 125 for a steal 114.00 brand new...
  12. pallan

    sump/fuge questions

    alos for lighting. do you leave fuge light on 24 hours, or oppisite of display lighting. whats better?
  13. pallan

    sump/fuge questions

    Does a sump/fuge totally take the place of a canister filter. i understand how a canister filter cleans water, through media and filterfloss how does a sump/refugium do it. once a sump/refugium is set up how long should one keep the old canister filter going before removing it (dont want to...
  14. pallan

    Skimmer break in period

    i think the oganic compounds begin by attaching to the body of the skimmer, as that becomes full the junk has no where else to go but up. But i could be wrong there.
  15. pallan


    i have a purple and three red. had 4 1 died due to stupidity on my part. I have only seen them fight once and that was a month ago and lasted about a week. It was the reds that were fighting and the purple kinda poked his head in once and awhile. 1 red hung in the middle of the tank, while the...
  16. pallan

    CPR backpak help

    as to adding an airstone. i added a air pump and ran the tubing strait down the collection cup hole. right to the bottom. i then placed the colection cup back on. it crimps it some but not enough to restrict airflow. i used a coralife limwood air stone made for skimmers. as to you problem. clean...
  17. pallan

    Cloudy water, please help

    Purple up really clouds the water when used. ussualy clears up in an hour or so. are you using it as per directions. do you have enough flow to get it mixed up.
  18. pallan

    emerald crabs eatin my lr

    my emerald will pick corraline off at times. probbably wont be such an issue for you once your tanks is loaded with rock. with just 5 pound sof rock in there it is probably just amplifing it where as with 50 pounds or more of rock you wont even notice it.
  19. pallan

    coralife super skimmer in sump?

    hoping to get a coralife ss 125 for use in a sump/refugium. the sump im looking at has a input chamber of about 6 " by 10.5" the coralife SS 125 has a base dimmension of 5" by 7 1/4". the reccomeded input area for this skimmer as appears on another site is 12" by 10". anyone have one of these...
  20. pallan

    NEW, unopened Coralife Needlewheel Skimmer for 125 Gallon :: Loganville, GA

    sorry edited post. changed my mind found diffrent skimmer.