Search results

  1. pallan

    Success stories of yellow tang in 75?

    ive had the same yellow tang now for about a year. he started off in a 45 gallon rumage sale tank i bought that had a skimmer with it so i jumped into the saltwater hobby. i did alot of things wrong but he has never been sick he is a bully tho and i have to really be carefull when ever adding...
  2. pallan

    Cleaner shrimp reproduction

    is it possible for the female just to develop eggs without a male. mine got this green looking stuff under it last week and then it was gone. no other cleaners in there possibly a peppermint shrimp in there but have not seen it for months. the cleaners been solo for 6 months or so.
  3. pallan

    Dead wild percula pair

    as to you cycle. it is possible you had enough established live rock to avert a normal cycle. but it could have been forced into a cycle with some dead shrimp to make sure right now its hard to say if you averted a cycle or if its just waiting for the bioload to overexceed the available...
  4. pallan

    Pictures of my tank... Please critique!!

    dont touch the rock set up i love it. nice job
  5. pallan

    ***royal Gramma Question***

    they like to hide in rockwork and wedge themselves into some real tights spots to feel safe. probably just getting acustomed.
  6. pallan

    Post pics of your Tangs!!

    heres mine
  7. pallan

    What member has red and purple firefish?

    75 gallon tank. ocasionally have a few spats between the three reds but the only problem ive had with the purple is between him and a royal gramma. mostly just posturing by the gramma no real violence. to do again i would have two reds and two purples. but the reds were among my first fishies...
  8. pallan

    Suggestions needed on catching Hippo Tang

    Put a algae sheet in a clear bucket in the tank and when she goes into eat, block her exit and pull her and the bucket full of water out. this may take a little time to get her to accept that its safe to go into bucket and eat but it should work.
  9. pallan

    Newbie sump/refugium questions...

    another system to look at is Hurricane filters Storm 90- refugium if you dont want to build your own.
  10. pallan

    Nitrate increase, continue removing cc?

    my guess is the removal of the CC is mixing trapped junk into the water calum causing the increase. WC and removal of the CC will continue to help IMO. The ammount of CC removed sounds ok/conservative to me. but ive never had to deal sith that. you have a low bioload so i would think you...
  11. pallan

    Sump going - Now I am scared!

    for my set up my return area will only pull so much water after a siphon loss once that water is pumped out it cant pump anymore (about 3-5 gallons) so at the most during a siphon loss i may get a gallon or two at the most on the floor. and i doubt even that. as to your return pump water level...
  12. pallan

    30 gal for one year

    Stan lee what is that other fish in the picture (royal Gramma?) if so its got an awsome color to it. if not what is it I like it.
  13. pallan

    Refractometer vs Hydrometer??? this site sells them, so can not name the famous auction site here but im sure the price is not to much diffrence anyway. type in refractometer on your search engine you will find many retailers
  14. pallan

    Pictures of Sumps

    75 gallon DT 17 gallon storm 90 series refugium
  15. pallan

    Refractometer vs Hydrometer???

    refractometers can be found at almost any online retailer including this one. and the auction site. I do not have the one from this site but ive not heard anything bad about it and it is about as cheap as anyone else out there for a comparable product. compared to the swing arm you cant go...
  16. pallan

    is it worth getting rid of my 2 fluval 404's for a wet/dry or better yet a refugium

    Originally Posted by Mikeyjer JMO, I would say add a sump/fuge system! My tank has never looked so good after the addition of the sump/fuge system. :happyfish Dittto ditto ditto :cheer:
  17. pallan

    How much freshwater in saltwater?

    calibrate your refractometer to and maybe let the LFS know the diffrence as well they might not realize what they have. most LFS i know keep their salt lower than normal ive been told its easier on the fish. but i dont know if thats true. i suspect its to help combat ICH instead
  18. pallan

    Bubbles in U tube

    Originally Posted by Sly My U tube just barely misses hitting the bottom of the tank. I cut it long so that it would suck up water from the lowest point, where the air bubbles aren't... The shorter your U tube is, the more bubbles it will suck up. The bottom of the tank? or the over flow box...
  19. pallan

    When I can be sure, that trouble is over?

    sorry to hear that. I honestly dont know but i would keep some water on hand and continue to do waterchanges to keep that ammonia down. also could do some research i believe there is a product out there that does not remove ammonia but converts it to a less toxic thing. i dont have any and have...
  20. pallan

    Pics of my 125, 3 months young

    if your talking about that stalk with arms looking thing its probably apstasia (hope i spelled it right). research them in the hitchhikers thread to see if im right. if so you are going to want to kill it before they spread. can take over a tank, sting corals etc... its the one coral we all get...