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  1. hookedonreefs

    Fiji or Florida

    I agree. I was just noting it since I had read it. Sorry if I mislead you. I'm going with an indio-pacific setup and will probably use Fla. LR. I'm sure there's people out there with marine-biology degrees that would do the fish rock match though.
  2. hookedonreefs

    Pics of RO setups

    n2deep..... There was a huge debate last week over the drinkability of RODI water. I think it was started under a Maxxima RO thread. Take about a hour and read it, it's very interesting. In another post I remember reading that the waste water would be OK for house plants, but there was some...
  3. hookedonreefs

    Fiji or Florida

    Hey, looks like we're at about the same place on our tanks. My .02c on this is: Fla LR has more bio-diversity, and usually is the only kind that is explicity aquacultured. It also seems to be very dense so you need more to fill up your tank and provide adequate filtration. Figi is less dense...
  4. hookedonreefs

    Moving moonlights

    Thanks zepplin. I'll check out a horticulture store. GatorCSM you're right he was probably trying to just be cool I think he's an a$$ for not telling me how he did it. I visited his store this weekend, and he's charging $9/lb. for LR. It doesn't even look good.:mad: fulcrum, on my current...
  5. hookedonreefs

    any problem adding sand first?

    Here's my question, if you water test first, then drain then water - aren't there still impurities in the tank, plumbing? I filled with tap, tested the plumbing and drained. Then I went through the adruous task of cleaning everything including the plumbing with diluted vinegar. Think about...
  6. hookedonreefs

    new jersey lfs

    I have a contact that I'm going to probably buy LR from in about a week. He owns an aquarium and says he can get a great discount. I'm not far from Ocean Gallery & pet shanty. Do you want to possibly go in with me? I'm getting around 80 lbs.
  7. hookedonreefs

    Big News For Me!

    Congrats. I know the feeling. I've been studying reefs and planning for three years. I finally got the tank one month ago. Already made my first mistake. Dumped 150lbs. of sand in, now I have to wait for it to settle, it's been three days already. Ugh! You live, you learn right?
  8. hookedonreefs

    need help.. seting up new tank

    I agree with slick. Even though I don't have alot of experience, I've read many reviews of DSBs and plenum setups. The DSB is more natural, less expensive, and takes almost no energy to complete. The verdict on the plenum is so/so. I've read lots of people who tore down their plenum system...
  9. hookedonreefs

    OT-- At Work

    If it wasn't for work I wouldn't even know about reef tanks. One nice thing about computer programming is you can program the computer to do alot of your work while you research you favorite hobby!:D
  10. hookedonreefs

    LR without lights...

    One more thing to think about.... If you are going to change your lighting over time, and want to keep the modern canopy looking good, buy a 1/4" piece of plywood and "line" the canopy door with it. Use only four bolts and screws to keep it in place.(Brass screws match the canopy very well)...
  11. hookedonreefs

    LR without lights...

    Sorry, as for the size, I'm pretty sure the 48" waterproof won't fit in a 48" canopy. There's a 1/2" leeway for for the waterproof endcaps. That's why I went with 36". There's still some "light splash" outside the tank even with the 36" so you should be good.
  12. hookedonreefs

    LR without lights...

    I agree, there's no reason you should set up MHs for a FOWLR. One thing to check is how tough it will be to add MHs later. I have a retrofit with VHOs and MH in the modern canopy. As long as the fans are there and you put versatops on there shouldn't be a problem. Keep in mind I have VERY...
  13. hookedonreefs

    Moving moonlights

    I just talked to a guy at a LFS about moonlighting. He told me he wad rigged some lighting to move across a track on a timer to simulate the moon's movement. I asked how he rigged it and he said he didn't want to get into it with a novice over the phone:mad: ERRRRRRR:mad: Does anyone have any...
  14. hookedonreefs

    purpos of a ro/di

    look at the same question from you under new hobbyists. I answer how I set mine up. According to the instruction sheet mine came with it removes 99% or the impurities. Most seem like they come with regular spigot connections, like garden hoses & washing machine lines. You can easily replace...
  15. hookedonreefs

    LR without lights...

    I don't know what you're $$ situation is, nor do I want to, but if you can afford it I have a neat setup that should work for you. I noticed you have a 90 AGA, my 75 AGA is the same size just shorter. You can purchase the modern series canopy and a 36" MH/VHO retrofit. The retrofit fits well...
  16. hookedonreefs

    when to remove shrimp?

    [hr] It really didn't matter becaused you used Uncured rock. You really didn't need the shrimp at all. I'm sure there was plenty of die-off from your rock to start and maintain the cycle. [hr] I don't want to steal this thread, I just want clarification... If I'm buying 80lbs. uncured LR and...
  17. hookedonreefs

    What about Well Water?

    [hr] whats the purpose how dow you do you hook it up, under a sink or by a fishtank [hr] I live in a condo, and I hooked it up to the washing machine line. Then I went to HD and bought 75 feet of refrig. ice maker tubing. It's the same size as the RO/DI unit's tubing. I replaced the clean...
  18. hookedonreefs

    water displacement

    Thankx I already marked sump at the optimal "no-power" water level when it was full with tap water. The water level is currently just below the overflow line in the main tank. I figure if I "throw" 80lbs. of LR and about 20Lbs. of ls (to seed to SD sand) then it should almost fill the sump...
  19. hookedonreefs

    water displacement

    Read lots, but I have a question about actually setting up. I've filled my tank to almost full, filled it with sand, and left the sump dry. I'm getting ready to buy LR and add. Question is, should I completely fill the tank and sump first, then remove water for displacement as I add LR? OR...
  20. hookedonreefs

    red lighting

    look, it's my first ever --bump--