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  1. zap800

    no other way to treat???????

    you wouldnt know what they are? i will order it tonight from the internet.
  2. zap800

    no other way to treat???????

    ok i have a occelaris (spelling) and it looks like ich on her. i was woundering is there any other way to treat my fish then to take them all out and place him in a ht. i have 2 occelaris, 1 pj cardinal, 1 pygmi angel, and a bicolor cromi. i dont have any other containers or another tank i can...
  3. zap800

    A question for Emerald Crab owners...

    just curious. my emerald doesnt look that green and nice. mine is kind of mint not emerald. am i not doing something right.
  4. zap800

    Florida LR vs. Fiji

    one thing you put in the cons for florida is not a can. bristle worms are a good thing. they stir the bed and eat the poop. he he he i wrote poop. also, dont get hung up on one type. i have a mix of brazilian, real fiji, cultured fiji, florida, cultured florida, and lalo. my thinking is the more...
  5. zap800

    confused about live sand

    ok to answer your berlin question. and plz someone correct me if i am incorrect. berlin type setup refers to the tanks that have alot of live rock. like 1-2 lbs per gallon of tank. this will be the major type of filtering. also a skimmer of some type or air fractionation device will be used...
  6. zap800

    to all p.j. cardinal owners

    thanks bang i was hoping that you would see the thread. like i said i have had him for awhile and it was the first time i have seen him like that
  7. zap800

    Feather Dusters

    i was wondering that too darthmatt. i mean i had 2 little ones come along with my live rock but my huge turbo broke them while cleaning the rocks and they never came back. they were the small colony type dusters, and they never spread.
  8. zap800

    I.D. Plz: little venus flytraps??

    it sounds like the rare but deadly saltwater venus. they will take over everything in the tank and it all your fish. lol. you have a pic of it that we can see?
  9. zap800

    is this enough light?

    my time in this hobby has taught me a few things. light is one of them. light is like engine horsepower, you can almost never have too much. or like my dad says too much is almost enough lol. if you dont mind the question. why only a ten gallon tank? i mean the tank is the cheapest part of the...
  10. zap800

    to all p.j. cardinal owners

    so no one owns a p.j. crdinal? or is it no one has seen thier cardinal change colors?
  11. zap800

    Prizm Red Sea Deluxe Protein Skimmer

    i have a regular and i bought the upgrade kit and it is just like the pro but mine has a bigger collection cup then the pro. i like mine. i make the adjustments part of my daily maintainence. it take me like 30 sec to do it
  12. zap800

    First corals!

  13. zap800

    my fisrt coral

    thanks crazy. when you say the right conditions what do you mean. i want to get a real good covering in my tank where i put it.
  14. zap800

    Is it bad to brake........

    actually if the rock is covered in coraline algea that is a great way to supercharge the spread of it and that method is a good way to help seed other rocks that are dead.
  15. zap800

    Hurricane preperation

    remember if you use the battery operated air pump like the one that sells a walmart then do not place it on the bottom. place it near the top. the reasoning is that if you put it on the bottom where most people would do, then you will circulate and stir up the waste and toxins that are given...
  16. zap800

    to all p.j. cardinal owners

    i just got home and turned my lights on for a feeding and my cardinal was all white, almost clear. now after the about ten minutes he changed back to his noemal green self. this is strange because i have had him for about 3 and a half months and never noticed this before. has anyone else...
  17. zap800

    my fisrt coral

    this is my first coral. anyone else have these guys and how do you like them. i think the purple and green looks really cool
  18. zap800

    Whats the secret.......

    there is also a group that will say that flourecent lights like pc and vho rather then mh will promote corriline algea.
  19. zap800

    Carbon question

    i use the nylon trick when i cant use my bags and i cant run to my lfs that has them. (2 hrs away) i have doing this trick for a really long time on my fresh water useing amo chips. and i have done it on my sw tank for carbon.
  20. zap800

    Fuge light on all the time ????????

    i have read that you should keep the lights on in the fuge when the tank lights are of in the main tank to keep the ph stable. i agree with viper