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  1. zap800

    How long can fish live in the bag?

    well a pretty good lfs i go to said their small bags with pure o2 is good for 6 hrs and their big bags are good for 12hrs. i asked because this place is 2 hrs away from me so i didnt want to have any fish not make it.
  2. zap800

    Who is this little guy?

    ok thanks. i have a kodak dx45130 5.0 megapix with macro ability but it has threads on the inside of the lens so maybe ill look online for another lens. maybe a telephoto too because i seem to like to take eighther long shots or extream close-ups. thanks again
  3. zap800

    Researching before buying

    i have 55 lbs of assorted rock in my tank and it doesnt look cluttered at all. i think it needs more.imo so dont be afraid of that. to cycle the tank like everyone else has said there are alot of stuff you can use. you can even just feed the tank like there are fish in it. on thing you have...
  4. zap800

    protein skimmer ?'s

    another thing to remember is that i have read alot of bad threads on those skimmers. if the only reason you are getting it is thats its cheap, then wait awhile and save up for a better one. always remember you get what you pay for. so dont be pissed when a cheap skimmer doesnt preform like a 200...
  5. zap800

    Who is this little guy?

    yes that is a very good macro. what do you have? i have a kodak 5.0 meg cammera and it seems it doesnt like the macro shot closer than about 10 inches
  6. zap800

    Adoption Update

    she is a cutie. i hope you and your family have many good times and joys.
  7. zap800

    Can U Post A Pic Of A Fish Wit Ich

    well cloudy eye is a disease that fish get. another one is popeye. both are treated with a fungus eliminator like mardel first aid kit
  8. zap800


    most peopple agree to the 12 hrs on and 12 hrs off method for the lights
  9. zap800

    Can I add fish?

    you have just started your cycle. please dont add fish or inverts yet. after the amonia spikes then you will have a nitrite spike, after that you will start to see your nitrate slowly rise. then and only then can you start to add you inhabitants to the tank. personally i would add some inverts...
  10. zap800

    can someone tell me what this is??

    did you ever see the thing. this will take over you tank and eat all the fish in it. lol just joking. i have no idea sorry
  11. zap800

    Live Rock Question ...

    well i know i have been adding a little at a time and i have to rearange the rocks everytime. this is because the other rocks might look better where there is some other rock. so in saying that i would recomend getting all the rock you want first let it cure and stabilize then arange it the way...
  12. zap800

    Ideas for me?

    i just got a yellow pygmy angel. not to bad it was only 14.99
  13. zap800

    some kind of bruise or mark on my pigmi angel

    zoacaon? i dont know if i can get that. im in the sticks and i work 2-10 and the nearest decent lfs is over 2 hrs away. the food i have is vibragrow (saltwater) and formula 1. but, i will keep a close eye on him for the next few days.
  14. zap800

    some kind of bruise or mark on my pigmi angel

    a few of the scales are missing from the area and i can see a tiny spot of pink. i cant get a pic of it sorry i hope thre other 2 are good enough.
  15. zap800

    some kind of bruise or mark on my pigmi angel

    no agression that i can see. the wound looks like a wart kind of, if you get what i mean.
  16. zap800

    some kind of bruise or mark on my pigmi angel

    ok ill start with params. amon,ite, and ate are at "0" ph 8 at about 2300 after the lights have been on for about 12 hrs my glass hydrometer tests out at 1.23 temp 79-80 my tank has been set up for about 4 months total and 3 months with inverts 2.5 months with 1 pj cardinal, 1.5 months 2 false...
  17. zap800

    Another noobe!

    i used a piece of raw salmon to cycle my tank. so really its just a piece of saltwater animal that will decay and release amonia into the tank. you can also just feed the tank with food like there are fish in it and that will also cycle the tank. i just use onr of those stick on therm's on the...
  18. zap800

    id a little white thingy

    yes what was circled is correct. and i have noticed a mucuslike stuff he spit out once. how is it a snail when there is no shell and he never moved? the menacing pncer coming out of the hole is just my maryland blue crap i caught. lol just kiding
  19. zap800

    One year.

    lol. i know what you mean about the tap water thing. i just started adding ro water (culigan water) this week to try to get ahold on my algea prob. so far thats the only mistake i think i made or making.
  20. zap800

    id a little white thingy

    ok this little guy has been on my rock for about a month. it doesnt have a crown so feather duster is out, and it doesnt reproduce so apasia (speling) is out. this little guy is a little less then a 1/4 inch and a base wider then the stalk. it is aprox in the center of the pic on the rock. got...