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  1. moneyman

    Anybody played Call of Duty Modern Warfare Yet?

    I am a huge fan of Rainbow 6, Ghost Recon, and COD. I was kind of tired with the WWII style of the older COD. I am glad COD is now modern. I cant wait to play it.
  2. moneyman


    Welcome back :) What you have are bags of gold. Southdown doesn't produce that aragonite playsand anymore. Nothing bad were found in SD to date.
  3. moneyman

    removing a gorilla crab

    I tried Bang's method and it didn't work for me. This was what I also tried: The crab is still in my tank.
  4. moneyman

    Water Alarms?

    I use a little screamer from HD. It was about $12. I had a few pretty bad floods down my basement. I set the 5 gal jug on top of the washing machine. Overnight, it overflows the washing machine and create a little pool on the floor. Now, I use the water alarm and a timer to remind me.
  5. moneyman

    Home made fish food Post by GeriDoc about a product called Knox Gelatin.
  6. moneyman

    Hundreds of small cone-shaped white snails

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy Sound like Cerith in my opinion. I got a pix of 2 shells in my tank. Still Cerith Bang?
  7. moneyman

    How do you lower nitrates???

    Originally Posted by peckhead never tried it but sugar or vodka I tried it. Good stuff. It works very well. But, too much might nuke your tank.
  8. moneyman

    Hundreds of small cone-shaped white snails

    I have them too. I hope they are not Pyramids. Hundreds of them would dot the sand when the lights are off. During the day time, I only see them attacking poop left by my yellow tang.
  9. moneyman

    GPS Navigation Rentals?

    You'll get lost even with a nav system in DC :) Address for the Crystal City Metro Station is: 1750 South Clark St., Arlington, VA 22202 Here's a map of site of the stations (google 'metrorail system map': If you decide to park at Metro and ride, you'll...
  10. moneyman

    Cloudy water

    0.25 ammonia is not a good reading for a cycled tank. Based on the ammonia, something probably died or you overfed. The cloud is bacteria bloom in the water. Your protein skimmer will pull all that out soon.
  11. moneyman

    halloween --- ALMOST HERE!!!

    I've been browsing youtube for great Halloween pranks ... FUNNY!!!
  12. moneyman

    formula 1 frozen question

    A famous aqua farm website in Florida lists 10grams of Spirulina has .120 mg of Copper. I don't think any food has 0.00000% Copper.
  13. moneyman

    Please report bad post, spam, bad attitudes, and links to competitors here!!!
  14. moneyman

    North Korea

    We've been punked using the same old trick. Last time was about a year ago.
  15. moneyman


    I am a Heroes fan. It's the only show I watch on TV.
  16. moneyman

    Low PH

    This is a new tank? Has it been cycled? Any noticeable trace of ammonia indicates that something is decaying in your tank. Death? overfeed? Remove that and your pH will swing up. Don't try to raise the pH artificially by using buffer like pH 8.2.
  17. moneyman

    Please report bad post, spam, bad attitudes, and links to competitors here!!!
  18. moneyman

    Should we wage war against IRAN?

    You cant have a WW if you dont have supports form other countries. The USA certainly doesn't have enough resource to fight, and then maintain peace, yet another country.
  19. moneyman

    Can't Raise Calcium

    Originally Posted by Am00re34 is a liquid magnesium supplement all you need if it is to low? I would get the dry grandular like Seachem Reef Advantage Magnesium. Please buy a Magnesium test kit before you add any magnesium. Salifert makes good Mg test kit.
  20. moneyman

    Can't Raise Calcium

    There is a lot more calcium per volumn/mass in the dry stuff than the diluted liquid stuff. It is hard to overdose with the liquid additives. But, you can easily overdose with the dry calcium suppliment. Google 'Reef Chemistry Calculator' and check out some of their suppliments. You'll find...