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  1. mx mr bean

    What do Boxing Crabs Eat?

    lol well last night i finally saw my little pom pom for the first time (since i put im in a week ago) he was hiding under the leather coral.
  2. mx mr bean

    Woah whole bunch of pepperment shrimp babies

    phytoplankton! ill give u some once i get my culture going come by next week.
  3. mx mr bean

    need help please!

    its alright to temporarily turn ur current off but im not sure if its good to do it on a regular basis.
  4. mx mr bean

    blue tang with a bruise?

    i woke up and noticed a black looking mark (almost like a bruise) where is fin rests when hes not swimming. does anyone kno if this is bacterial or somebody just bullied him?
  5. mx mr bean

    can i see some 90 gal stock lists.

    so far ive got.... 4 blue chromis 1 scopas tang 1 blue tang 1 maroon clownfish 1 flounder 1 horseshoe crab 1 boxing (pom pom) crab 1 frogspawn coral 1 anchor coral 1 leather coral 1 crocea clam
  6. mx mr bean

    What do Boxing Crabs Eat?

    oh alright then occasionally ill throw some mysis in there. the guy at the fish store said it wont come out alot i guess he was right. ive only had it in my tank for a day now but i havent seen him since i put him in. do they ever just walk out into the open? or alsways hid in the rock caves?
  7. mx mr bean

    Questions about making saltwater with RODI unit

    well i just tested my RO/DI water and the Ph was far lower than my tank's. I also tested a fresh batch of saltwater i made for my water change tomorrow and the Ph is about 8.2. Apparently my Salt product buffs the Ph . FYI I use Instant Ocean Reef Crystals by Marine Labs. Its pretty good...
  8. mx mr bean

    Questions about making saltwater with RODI unit

    if u have the space then keep a trashcan filled with RO/DI water and let it top of a gallon or two a day. this will keep ur membrane hydrated and it will also give u emergency water at hand. u can let ur RO/DI sit dry but if it is more than a month u dont want ur DI cartridge's resin to dry out...
  9. mx mr bean

    t-5 nova extreme ?????

    to tell u the truth metal halides are the only way to go with clams. ive got a crocea under my 48" T-5 Nova Extreme but its starting to die after hanging on for about half a year now. The problem with insufficient light is that the clam will open up as large as it can. I thought that meant it...
  10. mx mr bean

    What do Leather Corals Eat?

  11. mx mr bean

    What do Boxing Crabs Eat?

    Just wondering since i bought one yesterday. its the coolest thing ive gotten in a while.
  12. mx mr bean

    RO UNit - Membrane Question

    my gosh thats genius! i never would of thought of that. thanks for saving me money instead of getting a flush kit
  13. mx mr bean

    Culturing Phytoplankton

    I've decided it is time to start growing my own phytoplankton and save alot of money by doing so. I am going to use the way Melev used over at . But according to him he switched from using Macro Algae Grow to Miracle Grow Liquid Fertilizer. It must work since Phytoplankton are...
  14. mx mr bean

    Re-converting to saltwater??

    basically uve got everything u need. i reccomend getting rid of ur old sand completely and put in some new sand. keep the dead rocks tho and add some live rocks. corraline takes quite a while to grow but once it gets started it multiplies like crazy. if u want to speed the process up i have...
  15. mx mr bean

    Fresh Water Baths

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ IMO freshwater baths are stressful on the fish and seldom effective. there are usually mroe effectuive less stressfull ways to treat fish. I agree. try using hypo salinity. or a quarintine tank would be the best way to go.
  16. mx mr bean

    Play sand use in a tank..

    i suppose but the reason u are paying more money for the sand at the fish store is because it is live sand(meaning it has helpful bacteria that will help cycle ur tank in it). if u use the play sand it will take longer. it also helps to add a peice or two of live rock(i especially reccommend LR...
  17. mx mr bean

    Fresh Water Baths

    if u choose to go that with a fresh water dip make sure it is very short. about 2 min. make sure not to forget about him in there. my buddy did and his blue hippo tang died.
  18. mx mr bean

    coral lighting help

    lol np.... if u want begginer coral then definitaly get mushrooms and zoas. good luck .
  19. mx mr bean

    To Much Light???

    not bad but im gonna say that it is because of the lack of cycle.
  20. mx mr bean

    Harlequin Shrimp

    i believe so. especially if it is the only starfish in your tank.