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  1. luvnluk

    Snails, and crabs...

    I like the Advil analogy.....the algae is painful; but what is causing the pain? What kind of top-off water are you using? How old is your tank - FO, reef ....?? Lighting? Cean-up crew? Start with the basics, and go from there...."I wish I knew then what I know now".....
  2. luvnluk

    Hermit crabs

    I have three blue hermits - replacement shells are available, however, two of them seem to be fighting.....or are they getting their freak on?!?
  3. luvnluk


    I have glass tops, which decrease evaporation and allow maximum light penetration when kept clean.....JMO
  4. luvnluk

    What are some of your live rock creatures you've stumbled upon?

    Be patient....I thought the same thing when I first recieved my LR. Try sneaking up on your tank, with a flashlight, at night - you will be surprised with what you will find. Your purple coraline will spread in good conditions - just give it time :)
  5. luvnluk

    What are some of your live rock creatures you've stumbled upon?

    I recently moved and as I was placing the rock back in the tank I found a brittle star that was the size of my thumb nail - I'm amazed that it survived my cycle and the move!!!!
  6. luvnluk

    Advice please--lights, cycle, etc.

    Hmmm...I'll answer what I for lighting, you are all set for a FO. I keep my temp. at 79 and my lights on for 7.5 hrs. - opinioins usually vary on this. You can definately add LR; it will enhance your cycle - If you can, I would add it now and replace any fake plants, etc. I have...
  7. luvnluk

    hermit crabs

    Do all hermit crabs need a replacement shell to grow into? What do they feed on?
  8. luvnluk


    What do you recommend that will best feed on detrius? My tank has been established for a little over a year, however, I recently moved and had to start a new sand bed (LS, but not a DSB), therefore, I don't think I have any worms, etc. that will help. My livestock (55 gal.) is now only 3...
  9. luvnluk


    I agree with col....nothing will happen with your cycle until you you add a source of ammonia (waste product). Alot of people used to start with damsels, however, it is now preferred that you start and complete the cycle with a raw shrimp from the grocery store....and I've heard of some people...
  10. luvnluk

    Ignore this post

    I'm trying to ignore this rainy Memorial Day weekend that has ruined all of my plans...that's not working, so I guess I can't ignore this again
  11. luvnluk

    what brand of salt does everyone use?:D

    I have always had good luck with IO - "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". I think someone on this board told me that !;)
  12. luvnluk

    Nightime pictures of creatures!

    Ok - I can't resist this one! My friend had me eating "pork scratchings" or "pork rinds" as he called them (I think they are the same thing). After about 5 of them he told me that it is fried pig this true?....I almost tossed when he said that. Needless to say, I have not eaten...
  13. luvnluk

    live rock question

    I also agree - I added cured LR to my tank, shipped from this site, and experienced an ammonia spike due to an expected die off..... luckily, I had not yet added livestock. It would be worth it to go through the curing process - you have some nice fish!
  14. luvnluk

    This is what i wake up to! no more pregnant shrimp

    I've never had this happen, but now I'm worried because one of my peppermints,"Lola", has been pregnant twice since I've had her (4 months? - ballpark) I guess my other peppermint, "Frankie", has been keeping her happy. Could "Lola" be a snack for my brown brittle? (and please tell me that...
  15. luvnluk

    Base rock

    Sounds like you bought good base rock. It will clear up and provide increased density/surface area to your DSB.:)
  16. luvnluk

    Fish Suicide

    One of my false percs. took a flying leap a couple of months ago. There was a small section of my tank that was not covered and he somehow managed to find it. I was devastated........needless to say, my display is no longer open for jumping!
  17. luvnluk

    free advice needed!!!!

    LOL :D Glad I'm not the only one that needs marine"iacs" anonymous! You'll love your 100gal. - have fun researching and getting set-up (esp. with your house first!) Keep us updated!
  18. luvnluk

    free advice needed!!!!

    You are already doing my first piece of advice - research! Other than that, I would start with at least a 75 gal. (save your pennies for a while if you have to). I have a 55 gal. and am finding that I'm limited on the type/size of fish that I can keep (I would love a Tang) Welcome to a...
  19. luvnluk

    Does Anyones fish make noise?

    Damsels & clowns churp?!?! I had no idea - I'll have to listen to them more won't be the first time I've been accused of not listening!!!!:p :rolleyes:
  20. luvnluk

    Vacuuming DSB...

    I have a snail that buried itself into my DSB the day I added him and has not surfaced since, however, I can see that he has been moving around by the disturbance in the sand bed. I'm not sure what type of snail he is - I first thought he was a cerith snail but now I'm doubtful. Anyway, will...