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  1. blutang

    Has Anyone Ever Had This Anemone?!

    Thank you very much for the picture and comments above...the anemone looks really really nice and seems to be doing very well......the clowns looks really happy as well:) I will definitely let you know any interesting information I find as soon as I find it....again...thank you soo much!
  2. blutang

    A Question about my new Lawnmower

    So Kev, has it removed the algae really well?
  3. blutang

    A Question about my new Lawnmower

    So would the Lawnmower win, or would the Blue Spot Jawfish win?
  4. blutang

    fresh water dip: how to?

    I wouldn't try that, that is pretty much a last resort type of may want to start a tank medication with Maracyn 2...just my 2 cents!:)
  5. blutang

    Maroon Clown ?

    Yeah, my LFS has a pair of Maroons in their reef tank, and the female is like about 5 inches...its huge, it could probably eat the male if it wanted to!
  6. blutang

    Clown just died after eating

    Wow...thats really a strange situation.....if anybody can explain this I'd love to see a reason....thats really surprising, usually clowns can inhale their food with no problem.
  7. blutang

    Some pics of my setup...

    I like the way the tank looks...that rock looks good the way it is stacked. The live sand makes it look good as well.
  8. blutang

    how much is too much...

    I would say add two more and then stop, just make sure you don't have a crustecean eatin' fish like a puffer or hawk, b/c they will be gone.
  9. blutang

    which tang is hardiest

    I would also say the Kole.....I've seen some really nasty diseases on the Hippos. But the Hippo is good for small aqauriums situations.
  10. blutang

    72gal bow 2 sm. for powder blue tang

    I don't think that your tank is too small......I've seen them in 50's before (probably really ill-advised), I would think that a 72 would be really good until the tang got big. Just my 2 cents.
  11. blutang

    Greatest Fish Game Ever!!

    I swear I need to leave the internet alone, now I'm hooked on this game as well.:)
  12. blutang

    Clean-Up Crew For My Tank?

    I've actually been told that the Valentini will not be that agressive as long as its kept that wrong?
  13. blutang

    Has Anyone Ever Had This Anemone?!

    Do you have any idea in inches how big the anemone is when its in full bloom....sorry to be such a pest. Thanks for the pictures!
  14. blutang

    Xenias Good for Nitrate Removal?

    Thank you Bang Guy, that has definitely made up my decision about Xenia's I'll probably be getting some soon.
  15. blutang

    Why Are My Nitrates So High?

    I know I'm not overfeeding my fish, however I do use tap water for water changes.
  16. blutang

    Clean-Up Crew For My Tank?

    Should I worry about the Flame Hawk eating the Emerald Crab?
  17. blutang

    hair algea

    You may also want to check your water for phosphates, and also to see if your top off water is good. Those are some of the suggestions I've gotten about my algae problem.
  18. blutang

    Little White swirls on glass???

    I noticed that I had the same thing in my skimmer when I was cleaning it one may be salt deposits. You may want to check your salinity.
  19. blutang

    Xenias Good for Nitrate Removal?

    Anyone else ever used this method?
  20. blutang

    Clean-Up Crew For My Tank?

    I'm starting to have a small hair algae problem, and I'm going to go get a clean-up crew for my tank. What should I get and how many. I am definitely considering turbo snails, and hermits. I am also wondering if the turbo snails will clean my rock as well. Thanks guys!