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  1. blutang

    Hair Algae Problems On Live Rock

    How much does R/O water cost? Is there anything you can get to buffer the phosphate levels down?
  2. blutang

    What Does A Bristle Worm Sting Feel Like?

    How bad can a mantis shrimp hurt you?
  3. blutang

    Xenias Good for Nitrate Removal?

    I was in a discussion with Bang Guy last night, and he said that Xenias can help reduce nitrate levels in an aquarium. Has anyone ever done this, and how much of a success level have you seen?
  4. blutang

    Enough lighting for a Anemones?

    In my opinion, power compacts are sufficient lighting for anemones....I have a long tentacle under a Customer Sea Life PC 36", and it is doing perfectly fine. Just make sure your water params are good, it seems like anemones are really sensative to that....I've had to watch my nitrates really...
  5. blutang

    Has Anyone Ever Had This Anemone?!

    Actually that helps me big has your anemone gotten? Thanks again! Oh by the way, what do you feed it and how often? Have you had any trouble with it being agressive towards your fish. Thank you for trying to get that picture for me!
  6. blutang

    Hair Algae Problems On Live Rock

    I do infact have a 36" Customer Sea Life PC and a 36" but atinic bulb, so I don't think lighting is an issue. However, my replacement water may. Can I use my saltwater test kit to test my tap water out of the faucet?
  7. blutang

    Why Are My Nitrates So High?

    Yeah is fish only, however, it does have a long tentacle anemone in it.
  8. blutang

    Hawkfish and Anemones?!

    I read this online: The Flame Hawkfish, also known as the Brilliant Hawkfish, has a bright red body with dark markings along the dorsal fin and around the eyes. It requires a 30 gallon or larger aquarium. It eats small fish and shrimp, and uses the anemone Heteractis magnifica for cover, and...
  9. blutang


    I searched online, and couldn't find anything on a "perchfish". What color is the fish your asking about?
  10. blutang

    Ammonia, nitrate test ect ect after 1 week

    How do you get such an accurate reading of your ammonia levels? I would wait for the levels to shorten up, because your live rock goes through a "die off" period if its uncured. A good way to tell if its uncured, it to smell the tank, usually it will smell rather foul during the "die off" period.
  11. blutang

    Why Are My Nitrates So High?

    Your tank is really beautiful, you definintely have something to be proud of. I cannot believe the size of the refugium, its incredibly huge......where do you have it at your home? How did you get all that sand? I guess you probable will have a "no work" tank pretty soon. By the way, what...
  12. blutang

    Hair Algae Problems On Live Rock

    Would this problem be in direct relation with recent high nitrate numbers? And how can I get this ugly green stuff of of my beautiful purple rocks?
  13. blutang

    Why Are My Nitrates So High?

    Do you happen to have any pics of your tank or refugium? I'd love to see them.
  14. blutang

    Why Are My Nitrates So High?

    I was thinking about the Xenia, but I want to make sure that they will live. Will Xenia's just attach themselves to a rock and sway in the current or what. How would I hook them up?
  15. blutang

    Has Anyone Ever Had This Anemone?!

    Does yours have a purple base? How big of a tank do you have? I would appreciate any information you can find on the anemone for me, as I would really like to check it out. If you happen to have a picture of it in your tank that would be excellent as well. Thanks again! I look forward to...
  16. blutang

    What Does A Bristle Worm Sting Feel Like?

    Ok, well I guess it wasn't a Bristle worm then cuz I didn't have an bristles in my hand. I'm not really sure what it was, but it felt like a minor bee sting.
  17. blutang

    Has Anyone Ever Had This Anemone?!

    Here is a picture of one:
  18. blutang

    Why Are My Nitrates So High?

    I don't understand it......I have the the aquarium with the fish listed below, and I just did a nitrate and it showed between 40-50ppm. I have a Seaclone 100 skimmer and a Emperor 400. I also have a Marineland 1140 powerhead in the tank. I just did a water change about 2 weeks ago. I don't...
  19. blutang

    What Does A Bristle Worm Sting Feel Like?

    I think one might have gotten me tonight. Let me know! Thanks!
  20. blutang

    Has Anyone Ever Had This Anemone?!

    I was wondering if anyone has ever had this anemone, or seen them before: Scientific Name: Heteractis magnifica Common Names: Ritteri Anemone, Magnificent Sea Anemone Magnificent Anemone, Maroon Anemone, Fingered Giant Anemone Anyways, I wanted to know what the light requirements are, how...