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  1. mcsd22


    What are you feeding it?
  2. mcsd22

    nitrite spike

    The rock probably caused a small spike, if its to the trite level and the ammonia is 0 its on the way out. Do the water change and ride it out.
  3. mcsd22

    Goldfish or Shrimp or ?? to cycle

    Use the shrimp, why waste the goldfish.
  4. mcsd22


    I would try to get it up. What are your cal and mag levels?
  5. mcsd22

    Brown tank

    You need to no your levels prior to a fish. Am, No2, No3, Ph, Alk, Temp, Sal. When all levels are fine there will be no need for a test fish, you will be ready for fish.
  6. mcsd22

    What to add next?

    Sounds fine to me.
  7. mcsd22


    3.5 is not really high but 2.0 is on the low side. I have never used that product but would keep a check on cal and mag. They help to stabilize alk.
  8. mcsd22

    What to add next?

    If your cycle has ended and yor levels are 0 you can get the clowns. The anemone won't work yet and when it dies it will probably take the clowns out with it.
  9. mcsd22

    PH Low

    Whats your cal, mag, alk levels?
  10. mcsd22

    fish for free

    I have some softs to trade. Give me a call and we can talk I'm very close. Steve 330-719-6929
  11. mcsd22

    silly clown

    If its a perc it probably wont host it. They are picky. A marroon would gladly host it but are very aggresive toward other clowns.
  12. mcsd22

    what do you think about this fish list

    I don't think you could ever get 29 gallon to handle that bio load.
  13. mcsd22

    new 55 gallon reef any suggestios?

    I think the best suggestion I can make is stay on this board for a couple of weeks or a month and read, read, read. I wish I had found a site like this before I started. Would of saved tons of time, money and sad to say fish. There are people on here that have so much knowledge about every...
  14. mcsd22


    Hard to mix different clowns and not have them fight. IMO not a good idea.
  15. mcsd22

    new lighting ?

    I would keep an eye on tank temp. It might climb on you if the light is sitting right on top of tank.
  16. mcsd22

    clownfish ?

    They have their own minds so????
  17. mcsd22

    GFCI Keeps Tripping

    The GFI is really sensitive and you will probably continue to have problems. Shut the breaker off and replace it with a standard recepticle.
  18. mcsd22

    clownfish ?

    There new so they are probably both new. They will settle after a few days. My fish go about there normal business when I am at the tank but when they see a new face stairing at them they run and hide. As soon as they no who feeds them they will calm down. Don't get excited if they don't eat...
  19. mcsd22

    clownfish ?

    They are in the process of establishing there ---. Male and female. The bigger of the 2 will become the female. They are acting normal so don't be concerned.
  20. mcsd22

    Buffer And Fish Quick

    Yes the Yellows are nice but they are also free swimmers. I will not tell you you cant but alot of people will. Most will say and I will agree that you need a 6 foot tank for them. You can buy a small juv. like 1 inch or so if you plan to upgrade soon, like real soon. As far as the other tests...