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  1. mcsd22

    Mysis Shrimp

    Try soaking in garlic extreme for a half an hour or so and see what happens. What else are you feeding?
  2. mcsd22

    Mysis Shrimp

    I would try soaking it in garlic extreme or zoe, selcon. All my fish crave Mysis but it took a little while for the Coral Beauty to start on it.
  3. mcsd22

    question about live rock

    It would be fine for base rock and will become live again in time. I would give it a good scrubbing first before puttting it in.
  4. mcsd22

    My future tank

    Problem with beach sand is thats were all the toxins wash up. Really not a good idea to use it. As far as the price I think you could do better.
  5. mcsd22

    Electric Falme Scallop?

    I have a electric flame and he does have what appears to be current that runs across his lips (for lack of better description) but only at night when i put a flashlight to him. I have heard they are hard to feed and have been spot feeding him but they like the rocks and that presents a...
  6. mcsd22

    Sick or Injured? What do I do!?!

    My opinion is with a better diet you should see some improvement. A combination of Formula 1 & 2, Mysis, flake, soaked in Zoa, Selcon and garlic extreme might help. Just my 2 cents.
  7. mcsd22

    nemo go bye bye..

    Way to many fish to add at once and or LR die off.
  8. mcsd22

    Help with salt level

    You can order a hydrometer from here. salinity should be up around 1.025. Are you sure you are mixing well. Don't raise it all at once.
  9. mcsd22

    Help with salt level

    What is the salinity? Are you mixing with a powerhead for 24 hours prior? What are you useing to test it? It should not drop. If anything with evaporation it will rise.
  10. mcsd22


    I think alot of people would not consider that as an insult, might want to rephrase? Yes light are expensive!
  11. mcsd22

    Copperband Butterfly

  12. mcsd22

    Copperband Butterfly

    How reef safe are these fish and do they have specific corals that they will feed on?
  13. mcsd22

    mayb thinkin about goin to reef

    For the floe different corals require different flow. Sounds like your in high gear though. Just a thought, your tank is well over stocked for only a month old. Did the butterfly die? Right now I would be more concerned about your fish and anemone. The anemone is hard to keep in a new tank and...
  14. mcsd22

    Coral problem! HELP!!!

    Salinity=1.025. What lighting do you have? Temp?
  15. mcsd22

    Day 1

  16. mcsd22

    Sick Naso Tang

    Just curious but how are you mixing water with no way to check salinity?
  17. mcsd22


    What are you going to have in your tank?
  18. mcsd22

    food again

    Formula 1 & 2, Mysis, OSI flake, algea sheets, Zoa, Selcon and Garlic Extreme for soaking.
  19. mcsd22

    what next... anyone care to help a sista out...

    you order sounds fine and so does the wrass.
  20. mcsd22 fish

    I have ordered from here and was completely happy. The only drawback is the min. order.