I don't think its right to fault a person for asking a question even if it has been asked a hundred times. I think its great that people are asking first. I far from no everything and ask questions myself. Thats what the whole message board is about. IMO
Lion, I have had a flame scallop for about a month now. When you refer too spot feeding are you refering to photoplankton or something close to that. I guess my question is is marine snow enought to sustain it or will it need more? Also should I be feeding it on a daily basis? Any advise on this...
The anemone will need strong lighting(MH) and I would wait for 6 months or so till the tank is established. As far as the brown algea it will subside, until then lightly suck it out with a vaccum before a water change.
When you say your levels are low what exactly are they? Am, Ni, Na, Ph, Alk, Cal, Mag, Sal, Temp. Y?our doseing with calcium but It does not look like you have much consumption. What lighting do you have?
I would get rid of the cc. It will be a trate problem down the road. Replace the orniments with lr and the brown algea will go away its normal after a cycle. If you would have used a piece of raw shrimp to cycle you would of saved 20 bucks and 5 fish.
I would not even attempt any type until the tank is at least 6 months old. The lighting you have is for fish only. You need MH or T-5s to support one. They are very sensitive to water qualitity and the smallest amount of Am will do it in. Murph on here is great with this subject maybe he will...
2 hours is no were near long enough for the tank to catch up. 2-3 weeks sounds alot better and you will not be adding the stress to yoour existing inhabitants. In my opinion its worth the wait. Why take the chance that when the Am starts to climb that you start to do damage to your other fish?
Most will tell you that 55 is not big enough for 1 tang let alone 2. My opinion is you could do a small yellow but not 2. Keep in mind he will get big soon and then your faced with up gradeing or taking him back. The clowns sound fine but I would not add 3 or 4 fish at once. There would be a...