Search results

  1. shoreliner11

    Remora Pro on 25g

    Yes a skimmer will pull out different elements but no more than what a normal cup of tank water would have in it. So you won't have to add any extra elements just because you add a skimmer. Regarding over skimming like viper said it depends on what you're keeping. I have a couple gorgonians in...
  2. shoreliner11

    What makes bubble tips anemone bubble?

    Snailheave is right, only speculations have been made about the causes of this. To my knowledge no hard evidence has been attributed to the presence or absence of the bubble tip on the tentacle. Aaron
  3. shoreliner11

    I Need Help!

    A picture is really needed but what color is it? Just asking because we could possibly rule out non-photosynthetic ones based on its color. Whats its shape like? You say soft coral but is it branching, mushroom like, etc. Aaron
  4. shoreliner11

    no growth in my tank

    Try feeding like others said, it'll help with growth. Studies have shown that some corals allocate most of the nutrients they gain from photosynthesis to maintenance and a large portion of feeding derived nutrients to growth. This is a species specific issue and I'm not saying this is the case...
  5. shoreliner11

    Photos of my reef tank.

    Very beautiful and mature looking tank. Congrats Aaron
  6. shoreliner11

    Into the 11th month (next steps)

    I would second the adding of an emerald crab. IMO I would not add more than 2 maybe 3 at the most. Sure they're small when bought, but they grow very fast if an abundant food source is available. Keep in mind that when these crabs are opportunistic. If they are hungry they have the potential to...
  7. shoreliner11

    Midnight Trawl

    Tonight/this morning I went out and did a bottom trawl for one of my classes. It was a lot of fun although it was raining most of the time so I didn't get my camera out. Here are a couple pics of some stuff we saw. Pic 1 and 2 are of a Ratfish...relative of a shark; very cool looking creature...
  8. shoreliner11

    New additions

    I received some new additions from a local reefer so I thought I'd show them off. I bought the frogspawn for $20, which has 5 heads. He threw in the large frag of Pocillopora. What do you think?
  9. shoreliner11

    Is this cyano?? Check the pics

    The cyano is cause by excess nutrients being trapped in the sand bed feeding the cyano. It is a common problem for many tanks. How long has your tank been set up? If you have adequate numbers of invertebrates in your sand feeding on detritus as well as sturring the sand bed, you usually don't...
  10. shoreliner11

    Plate Coral Feeding

    When its tentacles are out simply shoot some mysis on to them. The mysis should stick and the plate will pull them into its mouth. Nothing really high tech about it. Some people might tell you to give a larger piece( like krill) but whatever it cannot digest in a certain period of time it will...
  11. shoreliner11

    Hydroid Jellyfish?

    I saw this guy on my glass today and wasn't sure exactly what it was. I was thinking it was a hydroid jellyfish but I'm not sure. Can someone confirm or deny the id? It does have a bell shape, common of many jellyfish on the opposite side. Any related info on hydroid jellyfish(if it is) would be...
  12. shoreliner11

    Who likes pink mouths?

    I do!
  13. shoreliner11

    Barrier Reef

    Originally Posted by TheGriffin Ophiura, glad to see some people understand the concept of geologic time. These days everyone seems to get so worked up over any little change or shift from "his or her" perceived norm. In actualality these things are constantly changing, typically from one...
  14. shoreliner11

    Fragging or propagating Frogspawn??

    The first way you stated is the way you have to do it. You really just have to cut/break (using a dremel with the cutting bit is easiest imo) a branch off at the base of the branch. Aaron
  15. shoreliner11

    How to reduce Bristleworm population?

    Any particular reason why you want to cut-back numbers? Are they bothering anything? IMO if you reduce the numbers by some sort of trap and keep your husbandry the same, the numbers will just rise again. Personally I'd either not worry about them, or maybe try a six-line wrasse which IME have...
  16. shoreliner11

    Barrier Reef

    I watched the same show. It is a bit over-sensationalized (if thats the right word). Yes there is a very real problem with crown-of-thorns sea stars but they are a naturally occuring species. Currently the last major outbreaks were in 1998(maybe 1999 can't remember) and 2002. In the past...
  17. shoreliner11

    Coral Description (Id Needed)

    Sounds kind of like green star polyps to me. Without a picture can't be sure though. Aaron
  18. shoreliner11

    Decide! Iotm

    Are you going to be doing many anemones or just a single species or even genus of them? Its kinda hard to choose between a single species and such a broad and diverse group of invertebrates. Aaron
  19. shoreliner11

    My Newest additions!!!!

    Do you have any pics of them in the tank together yet? Beautiful pair of fish! Aaron
  20. shoreliner11

    Help!!! Mantis Shrimp Problem

    Quick question for you? Does it sound like a muffled snapping, like something being hit (ie lr) or just a clicking noise? If you haven't hear the difference between a mantis and a pistol it can be hard to tell, but there is a distinct difference between the sounds.