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  1. lt34

    tank fluctuations

    The refractometer from this site is very nice and easy to use. 49 dollars. I found out my hydrometer (the one you have was way off)
  2. lt34

    Do I Have Issues???

    Originally Posted by dmjordan Only way to stabilize your bank account is to pick up a second job. LOL Once you start spending you will always find something else you just gotta have. Welcome. Second, third job. Gotta have or really want. I'm having a problem with the difference. Taking it...
  3. lt34

    Cloudy Water AGAIN!!!!

    I didn't use the southdown, but just the ls that you buy at the lfs. It gets a little cloudy everytime I move something that might disturb the sand a little but clears up very shortly. Don't know if that helped.
  4. lt34


    Cool, thanks for the help. Love the Mustang by the way
  5. lt34

    new to sw tanks

    Originally Posted by cornell1 This is something very new to myself and my family, so I have a "silly" questions, please don't laugh. laurie :happyfish Don't worry Laurie, I was new two months ago and am still very much a beginner having just got my first tank. A 90 gallon that I had my lfs...
  6. lt34


    Thanks, my sife thinks I've gone nuts now as I'm either going to a lfs, looking at the tank, or on this site. Now she is going to catch me looking at the tank in the middle of the night and think I finally lost it! I will do it though. Do they come out with the lunar lights on or should I shut...
  7. lt34

    My first Xenia and my first time fragging

    Thanks Travis89, I feel much better.
  8. lt34

    Full Tank Shot

    Cool Pics, but I thought the Manits Shrimp was bad or am I wrong?
  9. lt34


    Everyone keeps talking about the Pods. I have 65lbs of lr I got from SWF and 100lbs of ls. I haven't seen anything else move in my tank. Am I missing something? Should I be looking in the middle of the night with a flashlight? Or do I need to buy something to put pods in the tank? What did I...
  10. lt34

    My first Xenia and my first time fragging

    My lfs just gave me some xenia and told me to tuck it between two rocks and it should take off. I didn't know I wasn't suppose to handle it either. This is my first corals so I hope I didn't just kill it.
  11. lt34

    Do I Have Issues???

    I only started almost 2 months ago and I'm usually either looking at the tank, on this message board, or going to the lfs. My wife will actually drag me to the movies or even watch TV to try a break me away. Thats a good one Dogstar, lol.
  12. lt34


    Where were you when I took all my lr out to catch mine. I left the net in for two days and they just waited till the food floated to them. Next time I'm using a lionfish or Puffer. DINNER TIME!!!
  13. lt34

    Cycled Tank

    Listen to these guys. My lfs had be cycle the tank with Damsels. Besides being hard on the fish, I want a peaceful community reef tank. I had to take all 110 pounds of rock out to catch the Damsels to take them back. Ammonia will go up and when it drops the nitrites will go up and when then the...
  14. lt34

    Nemo clip

    I have two false perculas and everytime I looked no matter what time they are together and swimming. Never seen them in one spot for very long.
  15. lt34

    Stand put right side up

    It took most of the day yesterday, but we got the stand put right side up. We went out and bought a 10 gallon tank and another 44 gallon garbage can. We drained the water into the 10 gallon tank and put 2 of the peices on lr in it. Gradually drained the water into the trash cans placing the lr...
  16. lt34

    tank top

    Doesn't the megaflow airate the water? This is what I was told when I bought it so they said the glass tops were fine. What do you mean by eggcrate. Being in the medical field I think of eggcrate matress type stuff but I know your not talking about that.
  17. lt34

    Long, but unbelievable.

    So why is it that everyone agrees its wrong and stupid except them? :notsure: Must be hell to be perfect!
  18. lt34

    tank top

    I have a glass top, but I have firefish and gobies. What can I do instead of the glass?
  19. lt34

    Long, but unbelievable.

    The Megaflow is sitting on the brace. If the stand it right side up, then the megaflow will sit on the wood and the tank is about 3 to 4 inches above. Right now the wood is 3 to 4 inches above the wood leaving a dead space that could be utilized if the other way around.
  20. lt34

    break in period of skimmer

    Bump is to get back to the top of the list again.