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  1. lt34

    coraline algae

    This might be a stupid question, but does it work for all coraline or just the purple? I like to see the light greens and stuff more also.
  2. lt34

    Simple Green

    I agree, simply green doesn't rinse that easy. Buy a large jug of vinegar and fill the tank with water and pour all the vinegar in a let it sit for a couple of days and then elbow grease. Just because its natural doesn't mean its not strong and cause damage to things. This hobby is expensive...
  3. lt34

    Long, but unbelievable.

    They are suppose to call me today with what they are doing. If they won't do anything, then my wife will put an editorial in the newspaper and also notify the BBB. Don't mess with my wife when she is taking invertility medications.
  4. lt34

    Long, but unbelievable.

    We wish, but they our saying its how they set up the tank. The mega flow would cover the drill holes. It would cost more for an attorney, but we will see what we can do.
  5. lt34

    Long, but unbelievable.

    Thats funny, we thought the same thing. They still say they did this for a reason. This from the person that thought they installed the tank upside down.
  6. lt34


    Do you use the UV sterilizer with a reef tank? Or just FO.
  7. lt34

    Long, but unbelievable.

    Thanks, after talking with everyone on these posts, listening to the other posts, and reading. I think I know more than she does and thats saying something as I feel after I finally do this for a couple of years I hope to go from novice to amateur.
  8. lt34

    brown algae

    Mexican turbo and Margarita snails worked great for me with also decreasing the length of time the lights were on.
  9. lt34

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    Do more research and not listen to just your lfs. Also to find as many lfs and talk with them to find out the ones you can trust.
  10. lt34

    Long, but unbelievable.

    Me being a major newbie getting my first tank just over a month ago, a 90 gallon because they said the larger the easier. Stupid me trusted my lfs. I got the 90 gallon reef ready, mega flow wet/dry for a 125g, 9.5 mag drive, 100 lbs of live sand, 45 lbs of base rock and 65 lbs of live rock. I...
  11. lt34

    Size skimmer

    I am going to get the ASM protien skimmer since most people says it is very good. I heard of some people stating to get a larger size. I have a 90 gallon tank with a wet/dry for a 125g. If I get the ASM-1gx for a 150 gallon that has the 3500 pump would that be right or over kill. There is only a...
  12. lt34

    What Have I Gotten Myself Into???

    That looks great.
  13. lt34

    Diamond or Golden Headed Goby?

    Well all the lfs in my area was out of both the Diamond and Golden headed Gobies. I went ahead and got the Dragon Goby. He is really cool.
  14. lt34

    brown algae

    I used Mexican Turbo Snails, Margarita Snails, and Astrea Snails and they cleaned off all the brown Algae including what was forming on the Magnet.
  15. lt34

    Shrimpgoby-Yellow watchman

    Anybody had this problem
  16. lt34

    Finding Nemo in the Pet Store

    Its just a movie and wasn't meant to teach people. When I went a saw the movie Backdraft, there was a bunch of fellow Firefighters saying how it wasn't real that it didn't have all the smoke. I told them that if it had all the smoke that would naturally be in the fire, all we would hear is the...
  17. lt34

    Shrimpgoby-Yellow watchman

    I have a yellow watchman that is about 2 inches and a cleaner shrimp about 1 1/2 inches. Yesterday during feeding time, The shrimp came out shortly followed by the yellow watchman out of the same hole and then the watchman nipped at the shrimp twice. The shrimp kinda ignored this and went to...
  18. lt34

    Diamond or Golden Headed Goby?

    I didn't think of that, I have diatoms down in the sand and was hoping the sand sifters would get down to it. The snails only did the surface and went to town on the rest. Gotta love those snails. Would love to hear the input on eating the good stuff though.
  19. lt34

    Electricity ????s

    Most non-appliance area outlets are on a 15 amp breaker. If you need to upgrade to a 20 amp, have an electrician (or someone that really knows what they are doing that isn't an electrician) check the size of the wire. If it can't handle the 20 amp, you will overheat the wires. At the same time...
  20. lt34

    Growth on Live Rock

    I haven't tried, but when I get off duty tomorrow morning I will try. Thanks