Search results

  1. sunburnt

    Who makes these?

    Thanks guys. Now I have a name! But... the word "pond" doesn't inspire confidence in the application. Should I be worried about saltwater seals? It seems like the people that originally bought this setup spared no expense ($$ skimmer, ecosystems sump, oceanic tank...), so I'm not too...
  2. sunburnt

    canopy lid opens on top???

    Yeah... Mine's a total of about 8 inches. I wish you luck!
  3. sunburnt

    Concerned about fuge in sump

    Does anyone have experience with a sump designed like this? It has a small crack (patched now), so the seller included it for free, along with two 10 lb bags of Miracle Mud. My concern is: Won't the flow coming in (from "F") cause a mud storm with the fuge being in "B"? The water goes through a...
  4. sunburnt

    canopy lid opens on top???

    Is it by Oceanic? Mine is the exact same way, and I don't like it either! Fortunately, it's on my soon-to-be aggressive tank and I just want to mount moon lights and 2 normal lights. I bet they make different canopies for reef/vho/mh lighting. Good luck!
  5. sunburnt

    Who makes these?

    Two pumps came with my setup, and I'm trying to find out who makes them and what the specs are. The best I can guess is that one is an 1800GPH and the other is a 1200GPH, because one is a model 12B and the other is a 18B. There are no other identifying marks that I have seen. Any help would...
  6. sunburnt

    heres a change post pics of ur dogs!

    Gotta love those "counter surfers"!
  7. sunburnt

    Holy Cracked clam shell batman!

    LOL! Well, if YOU catch one, Wax, I want first dibs on yours too!
  8. sunburnt

    Holy Cracked clam shell batman!

    LOL- With all the hermits that are still there, I don't think you have one either. Blue legs don't get big enough to be too big for dinner! ;-)
  9. sunburnt

    Holy Cracked clam shell batman!

    Hey... don't destroy him! People pay for these things... I want first dibs if he's colorful!! :joy: Seriously. If you find one that's colorful, I'll buy it!
  10. sunburnt

    harlequin Tuskfish????????

    It sounds to me like the pieces might be too big for him. My lone yellow Damsel does that when I'm not careful to make small enough chunks. BTW- Not to pick at your spelling, but when you said he eats "mices", I blinked a couple times before I realized you meant "mysis"... not... rodents...
  11. sunburnt

    Aragonite sand or just plain sand?

    I just got "pulverized limestone" by PAVESTONE from Home Depot for about $5 per 50 lb bag. It passes the vinegar test. I'm going to rinse it A LOT, and then I'm going to add LS from my other tank on top. It's saving me a ton of money. Whatever you do, good luck!!
  12. sunburnt

    Trigger Systems skimmer

    This skimmer came (in pieces) with the tank I just bought. I think I put it together correctly (It must be custom because it's different than the ones on the site!), but it's not all there! I see TXHARLEY and FISHY7 both run them. Pointers or advice, anyone? I am in SO FAR above my head.
  13. sunburnt

    WTB: 125gal or larger system in TX, OK, LA

    Bwaahhhahaha! That's funny. It's not worth the gas. Just a stand, the tank, and the lights. You'll find better!
  14. sunburnt

    WTB: 125gal or larger system in TX, OK, LA

    Ohhh. I have friends from De Ridder :-) It would be about a 3 hour drive... not worth it at all! LOL! Have you looked on craigslist dot com ? Awesome site! Search under "community" and under the "For sale/Barter" forums! Good luck!
  15. sunburnt

    WTB: 125gal or larger system in TX, OK, LA

    LOL! I have no idea what state that is! I have a 45 but it's not worth driving far for!
  16. sunburnt

    WTB: 125gal or larger system in TX, OK, LA

    Are you in Texas?
  17. sunburnt

    looking for ro unit

    If that's still too much money (sounds like a great deal though), I found someone on that Auction Site that sells a RO unit for about $75 shipped (but I "made an offer" and got mine for $65, shipped). I just bought it Friday so I don't have it yet and cannot testify as to its worth, but I...
  18. sunburnt

    WTB: 125gal or larger system in TX, OK, LA

    Thanks, but I just bought a nearly-new RR 200 with oak canopy and stand for $650 from another member of DFWMAS dot com. :: dances :: I need to change the post to "FOUND ONE!" or something!
  19. sunburnt

    new eel

    That's some good information, DME. I have seen a lot of conflicting information on these eels, and have noticed the difference in pricing (and I also remember the Abbot's eel sitution on wwm!). Looking at the the two pictures, would you then say that the difference in markings (the smaller...
  20. sunburnt

    new eel

    Thank you, Andy. May I call you Andy? ;-) They're both beautiful. The Jeweled has a gorgeous pattern, and the Mex Dragon has that adorable face with the "horns"...