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  1. j-cal

    Fish Ideas

    Ithink that i am going to stick to a simple harem of dwarf angels of some type. The small tang school seems tempting but I would definitely be concerned with agression. I am amazed by the size differences claimed by adult tangs. some people claim 2-3 inches bigger or smaller than other...
  2. j-cal

    Fish Ideas

    i was also considering a few heniochus if you guys have experience with them
  3. j-cal

    Can I have corals?

    You can have several types of gorgonia and sun polyps that are not photosynthetic and require direct feeding. Are all of your fis reef safe?
  4. j-cal


    It should
  5. j-cal

    Upgrading tank size

    When increasing tank size I know that it is best to let the new tank completely cycle before a transition. I would prefer to use all of the same equipment minus the lighting and also use the same live rock. I would be going from a 55 to a 90 or 125. If i removed my shrooms, anemone and clowns...
  6. j-cal

    Fish Ideas

    I am really into fish that live in harem type situations or school and generally hang out together and interact with each other. I am getting either a 90 or a 125 for xmas. Assuming that I get as 125, what are some good ideas for fish to go with clowns and a group/harem of some kind of dwarf...
  7. j-cal

    Live Rock ?

    The lighting is prolly fine. Dont skim less. It spreads better with greater current usually. As far as dosing goes especially with concern to iodine its really easy to over do and id recommend testing for that. Most trace elements are best replaced with simple water changes.
  8. j-cal

    New with Corals .... Need Advice

    put him near the top. both actually. Personally I would keep leathers under NO id try to take em back and trade for mushrooms. They are hardier and do fine under typical NO
  9. j-cal

    New with Corals .... Need Advice

    sounds like u have some leathers. What lighting are u runnign total? I have a feelign that they arent getting enough maybe.
  10. j-cal

    keeping the bottom of the glass clean

    i use a mag float and a trillion snails :)
  11. j-cal

    Question about automatic dosing and vitamins/iodine...

    Youll get this a lot but dont dose unless u test :)
  12. j-cal

    LFS people like me read this :)

    Have any of you guys experienced things happening with customers contrary to "literature" on a regular basis? I have several customers who must try things that I consider retarded, but I listen and let them try via special orders and such because I think that trying silly things is sometimes...
  13. j-cal

    What kind of pod is this?

    GULP! We get those at work in our FO tanks occasionally. I usually scrape them with an algae scraper, but now im concerned. what causes them and why are they bad
  14. j-cal

    10 gal

    I'd say the old fall back... MUSHROOMS!! You might also try sun polyps if u have time to feed time 3-5 times a week they are amazing.
  15. j-cal

    Can I keep an anemone?

    Id think that youd be safe with LTA and bubble tip anemones so long as u fed them regularly and the temp doesnt get too high :)
  16. j-cal

    10 gal

    Is there supposed to be a question attacched :)
  17. j-cal

    New fish killed other tank mates!

    You sure it got the hammer? They are usually nippy a fish, btu ive never seen em go after inverts of anykind at my shop. They even get laong fine with our shrimps here. You sure that the ammonia from clown die off didnt kill the others?
  18. j-cal

    can you feed anemones formula one pellets?

    When I drop ground up F1 frozen into my tank, my anemones grab it. Whether they should or not i dont know, but they def eat it.
  19. j-cal

    Clownfish Larvae - Day 10

    Bang, what do u do for hatchign the eggs? Did u leave em in the tank then "flashlight" them out? did u remove the surface where the eggs were laid? Im just curious because my true percs are getting to breedable size and my goal is to raise seom fry up to fish.
  20. j-cal

    Skimmer Ques

    If I take the bottom intake portion off of a seaclone (bottom of the PH, the part that holds a sponge and the airline runs too) and make it connect to my seaclone intake, could I put a bigger PH on it? And would that even help? I know that they "suck" but i've only got a 55 (upgrading to a 90...