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  1. j-cal

    New Atinic03's and New Shrooms!!!

    I ordered those in once as "hairy mushrooms" but i guess thats not what I got cuz mine stay about quarter size (until i fragged em last night :)) Mine also have bright yellow tips rather than white. Arent they cool?
  2. j-cal

    First Real Fragging Experience :)

    I just created 6 new mushroom rocks. I hope it all works out well. When will I know if the shroom pieces are a failure? Some seemed kinda beat up when i placed em, but how else would u feel if ud been chopped in half eh?
  3. j-cal

    A question about Hammer corals

    depends on how much PC you have :) Id say you are prolly good to go tho esp if its placed at the top
  4. j-cal

    where to buy live rock

    I've onyl seen it offered one place online, btu pohnpei (spelling?) is the type of rock that i got and gt for my LFS. Its allwas teeming with life and various shapes and sizes i like it even better than fiji!
  5. j-cal

    Invert Questions?

    I really like skunk cleaners and fire shrimp :)
  6. j-cal

    !!An important question about powerheads

    What do you people think of marine land PH? I;ve been running them for 9 months now with no problems other than cleanign the impellers ever 3 months
  7. j-cal

    shroom attachment

    how long does it usually take for mushrooms to be footed enough that removing bridal veil is possible? I didnt glue them, but the veil was tight enough to hold them in place. Thanks
  8. j-cal

    Can a ritteri anemone handle another anemone?

    overanalyzer, What happened to broncofish? I asked him once how that project was going, cuz i want to try somethign similar with LTA. I am still getting healthy ones upt o size, but I plan on trying to mimic what hes doing. Tks, you can e-mail me at since its OT
  9. j-cal

    can someone id these pls

    i'm gonna jump on the band wagon and say some type of duster. I literally have a hundred of dusters in my 55, all small of various colors and shapes even. Great diversity imo. As a side note, I dont dose phyto very often, with the large number of dusters that I have as an indicator (and they...
  10. j-cal

    New octopus!!

    in all due respect most animals that lose toxicity are typically POISONOUS like the dart frogs. VENOMOUS animals will nto lose toxicity. i am pretty sure than venomous (like the blue ring) will never lose toxicity.
  11. j-cal

    fragging mushrooms and such

    I have some very strange green hairy mushrooms than managed to have bright yellow tips to each "tentacle." In general are hairy mushrooms easier or harder to frag and have survive? I havent been the best at it yet but im learning :) I also have some blue with green stripes that I want to...
  12. j-cal

    New Algae for my tank :(

    would snails be better than a lawnmower blenny at eating this algae?
  13. j-cal

    New Algae for my tank :(

    Maybe some kind of blenny to much on it maybe?
  14. j-cal

    Anemone - not attaching in new tank

    My LTA was under 130 watts PC on a 55 for a while before I upgraded the lighting and did (and still is knowck on wood) doign quite well. Without at least that minimal lighting tho it will slowly perish. What color is it? If it isnt colored then you will have a harder way to go.
  15. j-cal

    New Algae for my tank :(

    I have a new algae that just decided to take over starting about 2 weeks ago. It isnt growing over anything but it kind of resembles hair algae. It stays about half and inch off of the rock and resembles moss rather than algae. When i touch it its not stringy or soft like most algae but kinda...
  16. j-cal

    Coralife vs. Custom Sea Life PC replacement bulbs?

    I use the ESU brand bulbs for my PC and they are very nice. :)
  17. j-cal

    Happy Halloween!

    Im disappointed I thought rye was gonna have some tight pics of orange and black things in his tank..hint hint nudge nudge ;-)
  18. j-cal

    Clown Experts- ID Please!!!

    imo they are certainly NOT clarkii. clarkii have a taller body shape and not quite as long typically usualy they resemble a square whereas the fish u have are longer and shorter resembling a rectangle. Its def not a saddleback either. I am not sure what a true sebae looks like, but...... I am...
  19. j-cal

    DT's and skimming

    how do u grow it?
  20. j-cal

    Want one more fish...which one?

    I really really like the bettas but they eat shrimp, if u dont like them as much go with an angel. They are def worth the work :)