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  1. blondenaso1

    New acropora additions

    I went to the LFS yesterday and one of my buddies that works there just fragged a bunch of acros from his tank. I just couldn't refuse and ended up getting 5. I wish I could take better pictures, but this is the best I can do. This is a pic of three of them. The ones on the right and left are...
  2. blondenaso1


    I have to disagree that light isn't everything. Acros need intense light to keep the symbiotic zooxthanthellae allive. As almost everyone who has kept acros under the wrong lighting has noticed that the acros trun brown and continue loose color. Browning can also be caused by to much UV...
  3. blondenaso1

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    Wow, I feel like I missed a lot. Had to do a lot of reading to catch up but it was all worth it. So now I have a few things to say..... 1. DVS why in the world would you want to go see snow when you can come to beautiful sunny Florida and enjoy the beaches, ocean, and sunshine? I bet I could...
  4. blondenaso1


    I don't know what your type of PC lighting is, but it is probably insufficient for acropora. I don't know why the LFS would sell you it but if I were you I would take it back and get a refund unless you plan on adding metal halide light very very soon.
  5. blondenaso1

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    The hot girls keep coming out of the wood works! Here is another prime example of a hot reefer girl. I wish I could find a few near me :( How old are you DVS?
  6. blondenaso1

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    Ok everyone I did it! I posted up in all the other forums and told them to come here and throw up their picture. Hopefully we will get to see a lot of new faces. Maybe this will get the ball rolling again. Can't wait til the morn :)
  7. blondenaso1

    "I wish I had..."

    I think you pretty much have your stuff straight and it sounds like you have a plan. The only thing I wish I would have done from the beginning is take my time and do it right from the beginning which it sounds like you are doing. Set up the tank the way you want it from the beginning. If you...
  8. blondenaso1


    First off I think that 15ml of iodine a day is a little excessive, not to mention that iodione is probably the easiest thing to overdose resulting in detriments to you tank. This may be the cause that your corals aren't doing as well. As far as calcium and alk I use B-ionic, which I think is...
  9. blondenaso1

    Help me pick

    How about a Bangaii or Pajama Cardinal? I think they are a cool fish and they stay pretty high in the watter column. Not quite 4", but it is all I could think of. Or how about a fox face?
  10. blondenaso1

    Calcium, Strontium & Molybdenum

    On the bottle of Kent's Strontium & Molybdenum it says that it can be dosed with Kalkwasser. This would lead me to believe that you should be able to add it at the same time as the calcium. You could always wait a few minutes between adding them anyways just to be sure. I usually mix the...
  11. blondenaso1

    Pix of new additions and a couple oldies

    and another pic of the acro
  12. blondenaso1

    Pix of new additions and a couple oldies

    NM reef, If you really want I could go a step further and go to the LFS with my digital cam and take some pics of ones you would be interested in and send them to you. I am going to ask the guys at the LFS tomorrow how I would go about shipping them, and if its not that big of a deal then you...
  13. blondenaso1

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    what's with Monday night?? Is everyone loosing it? I think you guys have all gone crazy....and how do I know this cause Sammy still thinks he is the hottest guy on this board. ;) And Sammy you want to hear something funny...."cleaning the fish tank" use to be a code for something with me and...
  14. blondenaso1

    Pix of new additions and a couple oldies

    NM reef, actually the LFS I got it from has a few of those frags left over. The have a little frag propigation setup with some really nice frags and they sell them for about $15 a piece. I am clueless as to the procedure for shipping corals, but if you are serious I could find out and ship...
  15. blondenaso1

    Pix of new additions and a couple oldies

    and my hammer, not new, but one of my favorites.
  16. blondenaso1

    Pix of new additions and a couple oldies

    montipora digitata
  17. blondenaso1

    Pix of new additions and a couple oldies

    Here are some pics of a couple new additions I just go: By the way, how do you add multiple pics in one post?? Tricolor Acropora....if anyone knows the species I would appreciate it.
  18. blondenaso1

    Whats next??

    What you need to do next is slow down and just enjoy your tank for a while. Rushing into things and not waiting just makes for heartache in the end. Let the tank establish itself and wait until the algae gets under control. Then concentrate on getting you water where it needs to be if you are...
  19. blondenaso1

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    I think that is a good idea jonthefb. Who is going to post posts in the other forum telling them to get over here and throw up their pic? If I have time later today then I will do it.
  20. blondenaso1

    Seaclone help

    Check to see if the valve for the venturi which lets the air into the chamber is clogged. Also, what did you clean it with? If you used soap it will mess with the water in the tube and bubbles will not be able to form.