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  1. rldavisou

    Ever Been Bitten!!??

    I've had my 7" snowflake less than 3 months, and I've been bitten more times than I can count. Once, he latched on and held on till I raised my hand, eel dangling, clear of the tank and he dropped to the floor. Besides that, an ocellaris clown, a purple tang (?!), and a niger trigger Just...
  2. rldavisou

    puffer food

    By vitamin water, do you mean the mineral water sold by the bottle in stores? I've heard this helps with calcium deficiencies.
  3. rldavisou

    Bamboo Shark

    I don't own a shark, but as I understand it, they are listed as expert only because they require exact water params. I read on Wet Web Media (sorry, I don't know if the moderators will remove that reference) that their physiology (body chemistry) requires it. Pretty much the only detail I...
  4. rldavisou

    What is this under my star polyps?

    Edit to the above: I just read your full description...was there actually a spider looking thing or was it just spiderweb-like?
  5. rldavisou

    What is this under my star polyps?

    I'd put my money on a sponge, especially since it's been in a sheltered spot.
  6. rldavisou

    Whats Going On With My Sun Coral???

    Dappled shade, 12" below the light source? I'm not saying it's not the light, but I would be very surprised. I have mine 16" below a 250w halide and it loves it.
  7. rldavisou

    frag tank question/help??

    I would say a fuge would be a good way to go. However, what specific problems are you looking to solve?
  8. rldavisou

    Whats Going On With My Sun Coral???

    Edit to the above: If it stays bad, my last resort to save a nice colony is to frag it. If all else fails, frag off a piece with no death on it. But try dipping it first, that should help.
  9. rldavisou

    Whats Going On With My Sun Coral???

    Light doesn't hurt them, but they are very sensitive to encroaching algae, which is why they're ususally shaded. Have you tried dipping it? The first thing I do with a trouble coral is dip it. Try Tropic Marin's Pro Coral Cure or Revive Coral Conditioner. These will kill any bugs muching on...
  10. rldavisou

    Clown Trigger Diet

    I got some littleneck clams before I went to work today, and everyone (reef tank and clown trigger) went NUTS! It was like fish crack cocaine!!
  11. rldavisou

    Clown trigger in a 55 ? ? ?

    Guapo, you have a good point!
  12. rldavisou

    I go North and my Tank goes south...

    Yeah, that really sucks, sorry for your loss.
  13. rldavisou

    clown trigger tank size

    From what I've read, large puffers will be ok...most of the time. CT's are the most aggressive fish we commonly keep in aquariums. A lot of it depends on your specific fish. They have been known to kill lionfish, and they've got a pretty good defense if you ask me. The best idea is to give...
  14. rldavisou

    Clown Trigger Diet

    Ok thanks. I was going to go get some live clams tomorrow so I'll see if he'll eat them. So I need to pry them open with a knife before dropping them in?
  15. rldavisou

    Aggressive Cleanup Crew?

    I got a clown trigger recently and I was wondering what I could use for a cleanup crew? He'll eat the hermit crabs if I let him alone with them, and I'm afraid to let him alone with any other CUC. Is there any clean up crew member that he won't eat?
  16. rldavisou

    I am a newbie, would a clown trigger and puffer be too much for me?

    All of these are very valid points, but i wanted to add one thing to the conversation: Clown Triggers are BIG commitments. They can live for 20 years or more, if kept healthy. As a newbie, you should consider this when picking your livestock, as I have known many people whose fish suffer from...
  17. rldavisou

    clown trigger tank size

    I would say that a 120 would be ok, if the fish is not fully mature, but it WILL, undoubtedly, require a 180 within about 18 months or so. Also, keep in mind that a healty clown trigger can live for 20 years or more. The bigger the tank, the healthier it will be.
  18. rldavisou

    Clown Trigger Diet

    So, I noticed a very slight concaveness to my CT's belly this morning. He's eaten like horse ever since I got him, and it's not a very severe shape at all, but he doesn't look "fat" like some fully grown CT's I've seen. Is this just his age, or something I need to worry about? Like I said, he...
  19. rldavisou

    Clown Trigger Diet

    Yeah, he's past the yellow face phase. I'm not sure if he's just small for his age or what but he definitely has the patters of a mature fish. He seems happy for now in his 55. I'm going to work on his new home, probably a 180, as soon as I get my current project, a 120 reef, up and running...
  20. rldavisou

    Clown Trigger Diet

    No I haven't updated my profile in about 8 months. Now I've got a bunch of tanks. He's in a 55 now but he's a tiny baby, about 2".