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  1. melbournefl

    Missing starfish should I find him???

    Have you checked your water parameters? It's almost a certainty that if you have a dead starfish in the tank, there should be elevated Am at least, that might give you the clues you need before you start tearing down your tank. Just my thoughts. Later, Paul
  2. melbournefl

    Free U-Build It Package to the 150th

    maybe even twice
  3. melbournefl

    ^&&*())*&%$$ carnage

    Probably way off base here but ... it seems to me that *something* drastic must have changed to account for that kind of disaster in the space of 10 minutes. Did you clean the tank at all while making the move? Is it possible that something you thought was a "fish only" tool i.e. sponge...
  4. melbournefl

    OT: Other Hobbies

    Woodworking, which is coming in handy in my efforts to build my tank ;) Later, Paul
  5. melbournefl

    O.T. Question

    Cutty on the rocks in the evening and BUD on weekends :D Later, Paul
  6. melbournefl

    Advance VHO ballast

    Well, I'm afraid you're outta luck :mad: I was hoping you had a transformer that, depending on which wires you used, could be wired for any of the "normal" voltages available. Unfortunately after I looked up the wiring diagram and read more about the ballast it appears that Advance Ballasts...
  7. melbournefl

    Advance VHO ballast

    before I answer, how many wires are coming out of the ballast? Later, Paul
  8. melbournefl

    Just had an idea!!!

    should be fine and a dovetail would look awesome! how about oak on the front and walnut for the sides? I think that is a beautiful combination for a dovetail. Good luck whatever you try and keep us up-to-date, Paul
  9. melbournefl

    Wood rot on inside of tank stand??

    Nope slick I never have but then again, I'm just making sure that I'm not going to be the "poster child" for "rotting reef stands of america" LOL later, Paul
  10. melbournefl

    Just had an idea!!!

    1/2 inch is fine as long as the tnak is no more than 30 inches high. It's the height of the tank that dictates the thickness of the glass needed generally. The only concern with the width or length is the glass bowing. If you frame the glass securely you should have no problems. just my opinion...
  11. melbournefl

    Wood rot on inside of tank stand??

    I painted the inside of my stand with Kilz brand primer, good for reducing mold and mildew, and then a coat of gloss enamel paint. I also made sure that there was good ventilation through the stand. Just a thought, Paul
  12. melbournefl

    Square tank???

    I've never seen it but then again, I've never really looked so I guess anything's possible! One way you might save some money is to go with a tank that is plywood on three sides and the bottom, then you're only looking at one sheet of 1/2" glass for the front. The tank itself could be built for...
  13. melbournefl

    Which return pump for my sump?

    you can pick up valves at any home improvement or hardware store. What kind of tank are you setting up? I ask because the circulation requirements vary based on what the tank is going to house. Later, Paul
  14. melbournefl

    Just had an idea!!!

    If it were my tank, I'd keep the 55 for a sump and start from scratch on the 150. Besides, this way the critters have a place to live while your getting the 150 up and running. Just my .02, Paul
  15. melbournefl

    Which return pump for my sump?

    From what I've read, the Rio is probably not the pump you want, that said, make sure you install a valve between the pump and the tank on the return line, then you can regulate the water flow to whatever works best for your tank. For what it's worth, you might look into the Mag Drive brand, I've...
  16. melbournefl

    RO/DI Installation

    I have the same Lowe's system and I installed it in my stand, running the new water line into the stand was the only complicated part and, even then, I had the job finished in about 2 hours. Speaking of the Lowe's RO system, stcardoza, did you find nylon fittings to replace the brass fittings...
  17. melbournefl

    2X55W PC wanted

    You might have more luck if you post this on on the Trading & Classifieds Forum! Later, Paul
  18. melbournefl

    bulk head fitting/hole size is off by a ***

    Don, I checked the sources I've used in the past and none of them have any bulkheads that will fit in a 1" hole :( I'm sorry, my best suggestion at this point would be to try to locate the original tank manufacturer and see if they can give you any help. Sorry bout that guy, Paul
  19. melbournefl

    bulk head fitting/hole size is off by a ***

    Having played the "let's see how many sizes of 1.5 inch bulkheads are made" game for the last few months, I can sympathize with your situation. What is the precise measurement of the hole you're working with? I would not really suggest using silicon to force the square peg in the round hole...
  20. melbournefl

    Distilled water

    My only concern with distilled water has been indirectly mentioned above. Make sure the distillery uses a glass still. Many use copper piping which can be a very bad thing! Personally, I think the $150 investment for an RO unit quickly pays for itself. Just my .02, Paul