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  1. melbournefl

    Another way to look at calcium, alk and pH

    LOL Broomer, you are da' man! When I grow up I want to be able to express myself as clearly and hopefully with one tenth the knowledge! Thanks dude, Paul
  2. melbournefl

    Hypo and Progress

    HN, for the last several days everyone here has been asking you to please not risk your livestock to a "guesstimate" of your SG yet you seem to refuse the very advice you asked for. Instead, you decided to buy more livestock rather than investing a hundred bucks in a refractometer. Hypo is not...
  3. melbournefl

    I went to the lfs to get a refractometer today

    you've got fish with ich in hypo, you can't get an accurate SG reading and you're buying more livestock :eek: yeah, I'd say you really need to work on your priorities. Just my .02, Paul
  4. melbournefl

    Can a mh wattage be backed down?

    Nope, sorry but a ballast made to drive a 400 will just burn up a 175 I think. I know the Ice Cap VHO ballasts supposedly underdrive a VHO and overdrive a NO bulb but I don't think the same principle can be used with MH. Just my opinion and I hope one of the electrical wizards on the board will...
  5. melbournefl

    pump for UV

    Everything I've read on the boards pushes the MagDrive for that kind of volume :) Reasonably priced and reliable, good combo in my book. Later, Paul
  6. melbournefl

    pump for UV

    Did the UV manufacturer recommend a GPH for the unit? If not, I'd contact them and find out their recommendation and then shop accordingly. Later, Paul
  7. melbournefl

    Beth, RE: Basic FAQ

    GREAT POST :) Thanks for your time and efforts, and almost as importantly, thanks for "closing" the thread! Love being able to reference the post without browsing through all the miscellaneous "poop" LOL Like this I guess ... Oh well just wanted to be sure you knew your efforts are noted and...
  8. melbournefl

    Question about rocks/coral

    Speaker, 5 days in transit? Unless it's being shipped in water, very unlikely at that price, all the life will be gone :( It'll be fine as a base rock I think but I can't imagine any life making it through that kind of delay. Make sure you clean it real well after that length of time. Hope I'm...
  9. melbournefl

    Question about rocks/coral

    Please let us know what the rock looks like when it gets to you! There have been some horror stories posted about ---- rock purchases and, since I'm going to be getting some from somewhere soon, I'd like to hear about your experience. Pics would be super! Thanks, Paul
  10. melbournefl


    You'll hear both sides on this issue. Some say the fine dust is a great thing cuz it's easier to "enliven" so to speak, some swear it's nothing but a headache. Either way you're going to have a cloudy tank for a few days, maybe even more depending on the size of the tank. Like anything else in...
  11. melbournefl

    spraybar pics

    There is only one kind of reef/fish safe paint 2 part epoxy NSF-61 certified for potable water, any other paint that comes in contact with the saltwater will leach very bad chemicals into the water and very quickly kill any and probably all inhabitants of the tank. I'm not sure how you're...
  12. melbournefl

    Paint Question

    Well it ain't gonna be cheap but it can be done. Aquatic Eco-Systems sells a fish safe, 2 part epoxy paint in a variety of colors. It's about 50 bucks and they only sell it in gallons, on top of the price the shipping is HAZMAT and runs about 28 bucks too :eek: A two part NSF-61 certified epoxy...
  13. melbournefl

    Moving tank to stand

    Not sure, might break the tank but you *could* try this ... "unpile the live rock" and spread it out on the bottom of the tank, drain as much water as possible and still keep the rock covered and just enough for the fishies, etc. Gently lift one end of the tank up only high enough to begin...
  14. melbournefl

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    Let's see if this works. Unfortunately the pic is a couple of years old and my latest job has forced me to cut my hair :mad: Needless to say the beautiful blond is Mrs. Melbourne LOL Later, Paul
  15. melbournefl

    Seahorse question...

    Hey Jon, does the needle in the stomach work for beer bellies too????? Sorry just couldn't resist :p Later, Paul
  16. melbournefl

    What is the best deal for a RO system

    Kyarn, they are really easy to install, shouldn't take you more than a couple of hours max. Most units come with everything you need to do the install except basic tools. Check on the Equipment Forum for a thread titled "Backwards RO/DI" (or something close to that) at the bottom of the thread...
  17. melbournefl

    Intensity and depth penetration of pc lighting.

    *sigh* I know it makes sense Jon, that's the sad part! I'm building a 250 gallon tank right now and the lighting costs haven't even started yet (my probably-soon-to-be-ex-wife, is going to kill me when she finds out those costs!) I've already concluded that the most practical approach to my next...
  18. melbournefl

    Getting Married.......Selling Toys.

    Rye if I weren't in the middle of expensive tank construction I'd pick up some of that equipment in a heartbeat! I assume that $10 a month for the rest of my life is out of the question huh? Damn, okay then, since you're getting married, how bout I work a trade with you, I'll give you one 12...
  19. melbournefl

    Missing starfish should I find him???

    copycat :p LOL Later, Paul
  20. melbournefl

    Intensity and depth penetration of pc lighting.

    Good Morning Salty, Since I'm not a lighting engineer I'm going to quote from John H. Tullock's book, Natural Reef Aquariums here ... *** In order for the light to reach from the surface to the bottom of the tank, we must take into account a principle of phisics called the Inverse Square Law...