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  1. hatessushi

    Heater Question

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Most heaters have a gauge on them. 150 watts is not too much. agree!
  2. hatessushi

    LED vs. MH

    Yes, they are really nice. A bit expensive and I will get one when I upgrade to a bigger tank. My LFS got one for their big display tank and I was really impressed. The color in the reef are tremendous and everything grows really well under them. All that said I can't really help you...
  3. hatessushi

    Novice - Ready for a second go!

    Oh, also WELCOME back Diablos to the world of marine aquariums and to this forum. Hopefully you will have a better experience in the hobby.
  4. hatessushi

    Novice - Ready for a second go!

    There is also a disease and treatment forum you can checkout the top posts there by Beth. There is some really helpfull info there. It sounds like you pretty well estimated what went wrong with your tank. There are other things to monitor like alkalinity, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and temp...
  5. hatessushi

    how often should i do water changes

    Since it's a 10 gallon tank which is really to small for salt water unless it's a quarantine tank or a refugium I would suggest 30% every week since your water quality will change hourly. And since water quality changes so quickly you really should test nearly every day. That's why people say...
  6. hatessushi

    Novice - Ready for a second go!

    A good book to purchase is "The Concientious Marine Aquarist". You can also get a lot of infor by looking through these forums, especially the archive section. I recommend that rather then expecting everyone to post all they know again since everyone has posted multiple times on any given...
  7. hatessushi

    am i in trouble? (ph and testing)

    Just read the ammonia after 3 minutes like the instructions say. It can't be considered reliable after that. If you are concerned then take a sample to your LFS and have them test it. Although your pH would be considered low by most I would say it is on the low end of 7.8 to 8.3 which is what...
  8. hatessushi

    Calcium deposit on heaters. Is this normal?

    One situation in which calcium carbonate can precipitate involves adding calcium carbonate seed crystals of some type to seawater. In many cases, this action will initiate precipitation of calcium carbonate (and magnesium as well). This precipitation typically does not proceed until all of the...
  9. hatessushi

    Having trouble keeping PH up

    Originally Posted by wwfstyle I use a denitrate reactor as well. So if I want my ph to go up just use less of the denitrate? I have one of the TALL reactors so I use both phosban and denitrate in it. Mine is a totally different typed of DeNitrator, it uses sulfur and calcium. Your phosban...
  10. hatessushi

    Calcium deposit on heaters. Is this normal?

    That usually happens if there has been a calcium precipitation even in your tank. Is it on the pumps and other equipment also?
  11. hatessushi

    Having trouble keeping PH up

    Ocean water pH ranges from 7.8 to 8.3. If yours is dropping to 7.9 at night i woudn't worry about it. Hell, I wish mine were that all the time. The most important thing about pH is that it be as stable as possible. Another thing to look at is ORP or Oxygen Redux Potential. this is the waters...
  12. hatessushi

    Nitrate Removal

    I have the Midwest Aquatics DeNitrator which imo is better built but also imo, how good does it need to be built? Make sure you follow the instructions to the "T" although I don't know how good the instructions are for the Aquaripure unit.
  13. hatessushi

    false nitrate reading

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX what was the reason for adding it in the first place? here is a good rule of thumb with saltwater tanks IF YOU CAN TEST FOR IT DONT ADD IT. here is the reason for that statement there are some chemicals that contain heavy metals and other chemicals that will...
  14. hatessushi

    Do corals add to the bioload?

    not really
  15. hatessushi

    Aragonite cleaning

    If that is live sand then rinsing it is killing the life. Live sand shouldn't be rinsed. Of course if it's not live then I would keep rinsing it.
  16. hatessushi

    Salt Build Up!

    Originally Posted by patandlace evaporation Evaporation only removes fresh water and leaves the salt and does not cause salt creep. If you are getting salt creep on the outside of the tank it's because the water is getting there somehow. Either by splashing out or if there is bubbling with an...
  17. hatessushi

    I think my tank is crashing after 20 months!!!!!

    I would hardly assume that the tank is crashing because of an algea outbreak. Was the topoff water used while you were gone from the tap?
  18. hatessushi

    Nitrate Removal

    I have 3 littlenecks. I have never heard them called quahogs before. Learn something new every day.
  19. hatessushi

    Brittle Star Ate Clownfish?

    The star doesn't seem that big so maybe something else like the emerald crab got it. I have 4 and once in a while when a fish gets close to it he snaps at em.
  20. hatessushi

    Nitrate Removal

    Originally Posted by andy51632 what are quahogs? good question