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  1. rod buehle

    anemone for 10 gallon

    Not recommended. especially for a newbie. Most anemones will nearly fill a 10 when they are grown. Also its tough to keep the water parameters in check and perfect conditions in a 10. I wont even touch on the subject of chemical warfare.
  2. rod buehle

    help id my anemone

    There are no M.doreensis ( AKA long tenticle anemone,aka LTA) in the gulf/Caribbean. Its condilactus. Since there are no clowns in th ecarribean, the clowns could very well be in danger. Not as much with this species (condalactus) of carribean anemone, as with others such as S.helenthus...
  3. rod buehle

    anemone,t5,false pers.

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Hi Bill109, Atlantic anenomes are not common to clown fish they dont exist in the same water and never have. So to put one with a fish that isnt used to seeing them can be stressful. Also Atlantic Anenomes by nature are more aggressive IMO they are alot more...
  4. rod buehle

    Post Pics Of Your Clownfish

    I probably have better pics, but this is the first that I could find
  5. rod buehle

    help id my anemone

  6. rod buehle

    can i have two kind of clown?

    Some people have gotten away with it, but I would definitely recommend against it. Especially with Clarkki that are established with their anemone. They will be very territorial and with the tank being 4' long they will surely spot the new arrivals and all heck will break lose. The clarkki will...
  7. rod buehle

    Mated pair of clowns?

    Originally Posted by THEREEFER9 oh yeah and if I was to breed these fish would I have just as good a chance with wild perculas compared to tank bred ones? I want the to breed the wild ones because they seem to have more of that blackish coloration. Thanks Actually the percs that Bill Addison...
  8. rod buehle

    murdering clown

    that would be my guess too. Maroons can be brutal on an anemone. a rule of thumb is for the anemone to be 3 times larger than the clown.
  9. rod buehle

    clown hosting question

    It would be chemical warfare, but I believe that if the tank is large enough and if you run good carbon aggressively or ozone that threat of chemical warefare between anemones might be a little over exaggerated.
  10. rod buehle

    What to feed my BTA

    Small pieces of un-cooked, un-processed shrimp from the grocery store (thawed and rinsed with RO water) or small peices of a silver side.Or mysis shrimp. Nothing too big
  11. rod buehle

    Why does my clownfish rearange my tank?

    She is just cleaning the yard that her anemone is in . Some say its sexual frustrations
  12. rod buehle

    Next clown?

    Originally Posted by Ice4Ice When are people going to realize that you CANNOT mix clown species to a tank ? Its definitely not recommended, and surely not a good idea, but I know of quite a few tanks that mix species. Some species are much more aggressive than others, and some are...
  13. rod buehle

    Best Anemone for pur clowns..?

    Originally Posted by usefulidiot213 It's a 100gal. Which carpet breed is the smallest....? S. helianthus is the smallest, but its a non hosting species from the carribean. It will very likely make a meal out of your clowns if they try to use it as a host. S. gigantea is the next smallest...
  14. rod buehle

    Next clown?

    Its not very common, but there is someone out there that breeds a maroon with a perc. One of my maintenance accounts has an occelaris and a maroon in a 75 with no issues. That being said, I would never recommend mixing a maroon with a perc or any other clown, but yes, it is possible. Good luck
  15. rod buehle

    hosting a clownfish

    BTA is not a natural host for percs, but I can think of hundreds of BTAs that host percula clownfish. When baby clowns (percs) leave my place, they often leave here with BTAs. Before the bucket (with 2 clowns and anemone) even leaves the front door, the clowns have found their host and are...
  16. rod buehle

    Yellow BTA , real or dyed ?

    Originally Posted by Dawman I have been in a little discussion on another forum about this . To by belief from what I have read and been told by many long time reefers that there is no yellow anemone in the wild and the "yellow sebae" , "yellow carpets" , "yellow BTAs" on the market are dyed ...
  17. rod buehle

    help me!!! Man down!!!!

    Originally Posted by kingfish8302 Sh$$ one of my lfs gave me an all natural remaoval for fish waste and ect. I used it yesterday and its made up of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria. I just look to see what it is made of and just found out. I did a water test its at 160 ppm. What do i...
  18. rod buehle

    help me!!! Man down!!!!

    Originally Posted by kingfish8302 I clean my fuval every month really good and the skimmer i have is desinged for a 75 gallon tank. My tank is only 46 gallons. I like to go a little or double the size of everthing to just make sure i dont have any problems in my tank. Like today i'm going to...
  19. rod buehle

    help me!!! Man down!!!!

    Nitrates?? I am assuming that you are using some type of bio filtration on that tank since I dont see much live rock. If thats the case, you will need to keep an eye on your nitrates.I am assuming that they are at least at 20ppm, because most of the bio filters are designed to produce nitrates...
  20. rod buehle

    How long do you leave your lights on??

    I try to mimic nature .. 12-14 hrs per day