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  1. 27mtaylor

    green star polyps

    How are your water parameters, flow, lighting,etc? Mine took a couple of days before it decided to open up too, but it eventually did.
  2. 27mtaylor

    where would you go on vacation???

    Hawaii. Everyone should go at least once.
  3. 27mtaylor

    Other Hobbys ? List 'em

    Fishing Hunting Camping Outdoors Beach Volleyball Baseball Football Landscaping Woodworking Country Music Guitar Jeep Wrangler Weight Lifting
  4. 27mtaylor

    Doing a research project and need to print this.

    Try highlighting the material that you need, right click and hit copy, and then paste it to a word document. Also ( there is too much info to do it this time) you could hit the print screen button and it will copy everything you see on the screen, then open up word and tell it to paste on the...
  5. 27mtaylor

    protein skimmer on 29gal FOWLR? is it worth it? which one?

    I have a skilter, which a lot of people don't like, but when I fitted it with an airstone, it really started pulling out a lot of green gunk out ot the water. It is a hang on, but it serves as a filter too.
  6. 27mtaylor

    Clown Fish Killing Hermits and Snails?

    The Nitrates are around 20 (but coming down), but everything else seems to be good. The water is in the best shape it has been in during the last year (I went through tank neglect), so I'm fairly sure its not the water. I pulled the hermit body out and it was meaty, not just an exoskeleton...
  7. 27mtaylor

    star polyp help

    It took mine a few days to get settled in before they started to open fully.
  8. 27mtaylor

    Dead or Alive?

    Originally Posted by coachKLM thats the funniest stuff ive heard in a long time ...stop pumping... lol also on national tv --- there's mouse poopings in there!! lol no offense but i thought it was funny it is pulsing xenia looks like its adjusting to its new house to mme.. give it time...
  9. 27mtaylor

    Clown Fish Killing Hermits and Snails?

    I have a Clarki Clown and I suspect that he is killing my hermits and snails. I saw him ram a snail the other night with his head. I have also seen him pick up a hermit body, though I didn't see him pull him from his shell. Over the past month I have lost several hermits and snails. Do y'all...
  10. 27mtaylor

    Dead or Alive?

    Is it pumping xenia? If so, from what I've read, they will sometimes stop pumping. They really aren't sure why they pump. But it is alive.
  11. 27mtaylor

    My dog snores.

    My 90 pound chocolate lab snores...and she has bad gas! That stuff smells awful!! Good thing she stays outside most of the time.
  12. 27mtaylor

    Clown Fish having Seizures

    My clarki does that around my yellow tail damsel and my pacific blue tang, and the clarki is the bully of the tank.
  13. 27mtaylor

    star polyp help

    You specific Gravity should probably be around the 1.025 range.
  14. 27mtaylor


    It definately wouldn't hurt to have one. It gets the protien out before it has a chance to go through the cycle.
  15. 27mtaylor

    the band you want to get back together

    Nirvana would be cool!
  16. 27mtaylor

    Oh NOOOO......Aiptasia; What will eat this?

    pepermint shrimp will eat them.
  17. 27mtaylor

    brislte worms they are fire worms?

    Not all bristle worms are bad. From my understanding a Fireworm is a type of bristle worm. The fireworm is the bad one. The others are harmless and help eat detrius matter in you tank.
  18. 27mtaylor

    Best LFS in Atlanta area?

    I have been to "The Fish Store" in Buckhead and it was pretty good. I haven't been, but my brother really likes the store in McDonough.
  19. 27mtaylor

    Worm ID?

    Maybe it is a spagetti worm... Aptasia is not a good thing if you have them.
  20. 27mtaylor

    bristle worm traps

    I made one out of a coke bottle and it caught a few small ones.