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  1. kronnk7

    90 gallon finally transfered!!!!

    And another!!!
  2. kronnk7

    90 gallon finally transfered!!!!

    Here's a better picture.
  3. kronnk7

    90 gallon finally transfered!!!!

    Hi guys I just got all of my 90 gallon tank transfered. How's it look guys?
  4. kronnk7

    Philly Area:70-80 lbs of baserock

    I got some from someone else. Nice rock though.
  5. kronnk7

    Hey Tim!!

    I'm not trying to be rude but get your own thread.
  6. kronnk7

    Alot of questions about my fish...

    Ok, first your tank is to small for a coral beauty. They need a larger tank (55 gallon or bigger). The LR helps with filtation, and it adds good bateria that will help your tank. What kind of inverts do you have snails, hermit crab, or star fishes? Do you test your water and how often? The...
  7. kronnk7


    Good luck on the move and thanks for all the help. I can't wait to see that 135.
  8. kronnk7


    That's what I was thinking. But if I can I want to transfer everything. I'll wait and test for another 5 days. Thanks again coach
  9. kronnk7


    I know, I put about 60 lbs. of LR from 55 gal. in it. And I have 120 lbs of LS. I also put some of my cheato from my refuge on the 55 gal in the 90's sump. Do you think that may have cycled it?
  10. kronnk7


    Coach do you think it's possibe my 90 gal. could be cycled already? I've tested everyday since setting it up and the ammo. has been 0, my ph has stayed at about 8.3, and my nitartes have been about 40-60. I just tested it today and the nitrates have went down to a little below 20. Do you think...
  11. kronnk7

    coral beauty

    I've have my CB for about 2 weeks and she loves spectrum. She always has came running for it. Just give her time.
  12. kronnk7

    I just scored Eagle Eyes Zoanthids! Pics!

    Very nice pics
  13. kronnk7

    Refugium question

    Hey you might look in the archives or ask Coach or Tim. They're geniuses!
  14. kronnk7

    Hey Tim!!

    Good eye! Yeah, that's my little 10 gallon. It's my coral tank right now. I'm going to put all of my corals in the 90 in about 3 weeks then use the 10 for a QT. I figure I'll leave my 3 stripe damsel in it to keep it cycled. ( He's a ---- anyways )
  15. kronnk7

    Hey Tim!!

    thanks coach, I have about another 35 lbs I'm going to put in later and I'm looking for about 35-40 lbs of base rock to go with it. I'll keep you updated.
  16. kronnk7

    Post your 10 gallons

    And here's Nemo
  17. kronnk7

    Post your 10 gallons

    And another
  18. kronnk7

    Post your 10 gallons

    It's a little dirty right now but here's mine
  19. kronnk7

    Hey Tim!!

    Here's another shot
  20. kronnk7

    Hey Tim!!

    well I have about half of my LR in the Tank now.