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  1. ctgretzky9

    calcium low, alkalinity high

    Bang and thomas... Thanks for the help, I am on my way I think. Tested last night and here are the results: calc now at 380mg/l (was 340-360) alk is now at 6.5meq/l (was at 7-7.5) ph is steady at 8.2 temp 81 salinity .024 amm/trites 0 trates 40 (was 20, but i need to clean filters etc...doing...
  2. ctgretzky9

    Mixing up new water

    thanks people! I went to lfs yesterday and home depot during lunch and bought a 5 gal bucket, maxi-jet 900, and a visa therm 150 watt heater. I took the rio 800 out of my fish tank and replaced it with the maxi jet since i wanted more circulation anway. I cleaned out the bucket very well with...
  3. ctgretzky9

    Mixing up new water

    In the past, when I have done water changes, I used (2) 1 gallon jugs. Took a while! Mix up the water back and forth with the salt until well dissolved and clear and added it to the tank immediately. Temp was usually prety damn close, and my water source is awesome (well water tested very low...
  4. ctgretzky9

    Shark tanks (mods.)

    Originally posted by Thomas712 Well at least it doesn't look like a beasle tank. Thomas LMAo...a couple of months ago, I wouldn't know what you meant, but I have heard the words of wisdom about PLB, and read many of the posts. ps thomas-I want to thank you for your input. Between you and...
  5. ctgretzky9

    PH keeps dropping!

    Bang...dont mean to hijack the thread, but my parameters are getting better...thank you so much for the advice. I have done a couple of water changes, cleaned out all of my filters and piping (figured it can't hurt anyway), and have dosed a half dose of alk and full of calc. Calc is creeping up...
  6. ctgretzky9

    My tank...2 yrs old.

    I will definately post progression. Thats why I also posted..almost a before and after thing. I am very excited to get coral next month...I got some good advice about chemistry, and have read a great deal on it now. Water parameters are getting close, but by bang's advice I'm going slow to...
  7. ctgretzky9

    My tank...2 yrs old.

    jo- I got the mh because i have 2 anemones and some polyps, and I wanted to add the light before I got more coral so I am all ready for the coral now. With some help and wonderful advice from bang, thomas and a couple of others, I am really getting a handle on the alk-calc-ph relationship and my...
  8. ctgretzky9

    My tank...2 yrs old.

    thanks nin...i wasnt expecting anyone to say it looked good lol... Rocks are a definate. I purposely left space so that I can fill it at some point and build a structure for coral. My LFS has all of the coral mounted to rock as well already, which to me is convenient since now i dont have to. I...
  9. ctgretzky9

    My tank...2 yrs old.

    left side to back of tank..second brittle out at bottom below powerhead
  10. ctgretzky9

    My tank...2 yrs old.

    one of a couple of brittlestars...
  11. ctgretzky9

    My tank...2 yrs old.

    right side veiw facing kitchen
  12. ctgretzky9

    My tank...2 yrs old.

    full room veiw of tank, and why i have no room except for what i got for now
  13. ctgretzky9

    My tank...2 yrs old.

    top of the can see the wet/dry and the 250 MH pendant light
  14. ctgretzky9

    My tank...2 yrs old.

    pic of the cascade under the stand...i know, ill get a sump/refug for my next big tank...i have to learn a lot more before i get my 300
  15. ctgretzky9

    My tank...2 yrs old.

    Ok, decided it's time to get some criticism for my lackluster tank. Had it for 2 years, and it looks nothing like the ones I see on here. I am starting to have a bit more time and interest in going to the next level. Before, I really just had it as decoration. Had saltwater tanks forver, but...
  16. ctgretzky9

    bad halides?

    i just got a 250 takes a couple of minutes to really warm up. If there was glass in the box that isnt a good sign! did you check the bulb? Inspect it carefully!
  17. ctgretzky9

    HolyCow!!! Update pic.

    lol...stuck, i wa wondering if anyone else knew him lol I read his post with great interest on another board lol
  18. ctgretzky9

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    cool Rob...I got ya. I was worried that the fumes from me staining some trim for my basement, out in the garage was going to somehow get into the tank since I could detect a bit of odor inside the house! So when I saw your post I was worried for ya lol... Looking good so far Rob, can't wait to...
  19. ctgretzky9

    The last rock

    Great job of stacking the rocks to make it look natural. Your tank will look awesome in a year from now if you keep taking the time to do it right, which you obviosly are....good luck!
  20. ctgretzky9

    New Powerhead suggestions

    ditch what ya got...powerheads are so cheap in the scope of what this hobby costs! You don't want a powerhead falling down and stirring up so much crap, especially in a sand bed! It can lock up if it falls into sand with the particles getting caught in the unit. Don't take a chance with such an...