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  1. ctgretzky9

    calcium low, alkalinity high

    I am baffled.... My calcium is reading 360, my alkalinity is off the charts! How do i adjust this? Ph is 8.2, salinity .025, amm, trites at 0, trates at 10, water temp at 80-81 Anyone know what I should do? Nothing in the tank looks bad except the damn polyps and zoos which are ok, but not like...
  2. ctgretzky9

    Whats wrong??

    What kind of lights that came with it? Even low wattage lights left on for a long duration can cause blooms. THis plus tap water and overfeeding I think is the cause.
  3. ctgretzky9

    did anyone every hear of wallops islands???

    does your sister happen to go to Southampton college? I remember when i went to school there they went on a trip to those islands. I had friends in that program.
  4. ctgretzky9

    My r.b.t.a came out and stayed in a nice spot!!

    sweet, tank looks awesome as usual! I always refer people to look at yours for ideas, hope ya don't mind lol I have a you test for iodine? I add a teaspoon every week, but have no where near the bioload you have. Lately, my zoos look a little crappy. Any ideas?
  5. ctgretzky9

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    Originally posted by RobChuck Plus, you could work the tank into your [hr] ! LMAO I didnt even think of that! I guess if i have a room dedicated to it, and I have them build all of the structure it is in the mort along with all of the electrical...i wonder if i can even get the plumbing...
  6. ctgretzky9

    Whats wrong??

    what are your tests like? amm, trites,trates? Salinity? the feeding doesnt seem like a real lot, but you could cut back a little. Once a day is all you really need, and some everyother day is what they do. I am a bit of an overfeeder myself, but am anal about water changes and vacuuming etc...
  7. ctgretzky9

    Project 300 is underway!!! relation, but have met him several times when I played Juniors and apple core, and at msg for charity games. Has been my fav player since i was a kid. by the way, im nowhere near as good as him ;-)
  8. ctgretzky9

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    Rob- Fantastic! I'm so glad to have people like you post their wonderful step by step progress on your amazing tanks. I can't wait to see it done down the road! I am in a similar bind you were in to begin with. We are in a 3000 sq ft starter home and will be having a home built in the next 2...
  9. ctgretzky9

    What to test for. is now way you know if your tank is fully cycled if you haven't tested for these things. The completion of a cycle means theses tests have been done several times and have consistent results ammonia and nitrites should be at 0, nitrates should be as close to 0 as possible, but...
  10. ctgretzky9

    anyone use a de-ionizer????

    If you really want to provide awesome water, look into an ecoquest water purification system. It uses UV light, ozone, .05 miron solid carbon filter. Basically it removes any contaminants you can find in water, removes chlorine, bacteria and virus, copper and lead etc...countertop unit or they...
  11. ctgretzky9

    Some help on crabs please.

    I love my emerald crabs. They seem to be out all of the time, and do a great job of cleaning up in crevices of LR. CBS are also good, but dont put them in with other shrimp unless you have a larger tank
  12. ctgretzky9

    AHHH! Thermometer broke..

    before a panic, I would call customer service for that manufacturer...go to the website maybe and get a number to call. I would ASSUME they wouldnt use mercury in a tank, but ya never know.
  13. ctgretzky9

    arrow crabs reef safe???

    At my LFS, they have them in with damsels and tangs and when I asked him about it, he said he never had problems in semi aggressive tanks, but wouldn't put them in anything else. He also has a 150 g tank though so space may lend to the lack of loss! Personally from what I have read/heard, I...
  14. ctgretzky9

    Hawaiian strawberry crab anyone have one??

    Sweetreef, I don't mean I overfeed to that point silly, but I do put in enough that some falls to the bottom. It also depends on your maint sched...I do at least bi-weekly water changes, and keep very close tabs on my anothe rpost I said I test every 3 days for trates, trites, amm...
  15. ctgretzky9

    Live Rock Placement

    Hey fishfan... Really, it is a matter of preference more than anything else. Create nooks and pass-throughs for fish to hide in, leave an area along the front for the faster swimmers (tangs etc) to have a good long run back and forth. Other than that, don't "stack" the rocks or make it too...
  16. ctgretzky9

    Sump Size for 90 Gallon Tank

    lol...Im too lazy to keep up with my maint sced...but I have to do it since I decided to give these creatures a home-and really started it for my kids. They wanted a fish tank, so I figured I might as well get the holy grail of tanks-a reef. Sometimes I wonder about having betas in a bowl.... As...
  17. ctgretzky9

    Sump Size for 90 Gallon Tank

    MSd...I agree 100% with your post in general, and I probably should clarify what I meant. If you are willing to put the time into keeping a canister filter, all will always be well because of the schedule you keep, and the learning curve of what you should/n't do. Because of the system I run...
  18. ctgretzky9

    New 90 Gallon Tank Filtering. SUMP OR CANISTERS

    Here is my copy and paste from another thread: As far as canister vs. refugium/sumps etc, I can tel you that I run a cascade 1000 (penn plex) canister and I think it does a fine job. (Plus a perhead for circulation) The problem with canisters is the amount of work that goes into it. I use floss...
  19. ctgretzky9

    Hawaiian strawberry crab anyone have one??

    liverock...yes, they are similar in appearance to the emeralds, except a bit larger. I never had problems with emeralds nipping at my polyps or zoos. I think if you have enough crap for them to eat, they leave things alone. I probably overfeed everything in my once a day feeding, but the...
  20. ctgretzky9

    Sump Size for 90 Gallon Tank

    As far as canister vs. refugium/sumps etc, I can tel you that I run a cascade 1000 (penn plex) canister and I think it does a fine job. (Plus a perhead for circulation) The problem with canisters is the amount of work that goes into it. I use floss of different thicknesses, and carbon. They must...