Search results

  1. redcoat94

    good deal or keep looking

    like a lot of people I started small and now want to upgrade. I am looking at a Marineland Jetstream 125 Super System. Its an all inclusive system where the only item I would need to purchase is a protein skimmer. I found one for $1000. Can anyone tell me if this is a good deal or should I...
  2. redcoat94

    is my starfish eating or dying?

    thanks for all the posts and advice. I will go with a drip acclimatization next time and give it a longer period of time. Too bad I had to learn the hard way
  3. redcoat94

    is my starfish eating or dying?

    I acclimated for 2.5 hours. 15 minutes floating in the bag then 1 cup water from my tank every half hour for the 2.5. Initially he seemed fine (3-4 hours in the tank) and then went kaput over night.
  4. redcoat94

    is my starfish eating or dying?

    not that I know of. wouldn't that affect other inverts too though? Like the hermits and fighting conch?
  5. redcoat94

    is my starfish eating or dying?

    nevermind, I got my answer this morning. The arms are disintegrating. I think there must be something up with my tank. My fish seem fine, my fighting conch and nas snails and crabs are fine. If I put anything in the climbs the glass (turbo snails, star etc) they don't live more than 1 week...
  6. redcoat94

    is my starfish eating or dying?

    I just got a starfish yesterday and he seemed happy all day yesterday and first thing this morning. Then all of a sudden he curled his legs back from the glass and a bubble poofed out from the center of his underside. It looks like it is his stomach. Could that be it or is there something...
  7. redcoat94

    How does this sound for my stock list?

    wow...didn't mean to set anyone off. I only noted what other people have said on this site and others I have seen. Like I said, just watch for signs of stress. I have a tang in my 39 gallon. He seems quite happy for now and if he starts to get stressed, I'll either get a bigger tank (which I...
  8. redcoat94

    How does this sound for my stock list?

    probably said no tang because your tank is too small. if you look throughout this site you will see that the recommended minimum tank size for a tang is 75 gal. of course as someone else posted, the tang will probably be ok for a year or two. you'll just have to watch him for signs of stress...
  9. redcoat94

    just got my cycled eclipse 12 system, what do i do now?

    if you take a look at some of the posts on the board you'll see that most people do not suggest stirring up the sand bed. All you do is let loose nitrates that have built up in any dead spots and other nasties that may be hidden in there. What kind of cleaning crew do you have? Those guys are...
  10. redcoat94

    Aquarium cover

    Ok, so I have a silly newbie questions and it seems to fit in right here. If you do not have a canopy or hood of any kind on your tank, where do you put the light strip?
  11. redcoat94

    Austin, TX: 75 and 30 gallon for sale!

    I just sent you an email to see if you still have your 75 G. Please let me know if it is still there and send pics. I'm in Dallas so it would be easy to get to Austin. Thanks.
  12. redcoat94

    cleaner crew size

    Thanks Wakeskater. Actually that matches what I thought. I think I'll just buy some individuals. You know anything about margarita snails? I know the turbos should get placed on the glass and they'll clean there. Do the margaritas go on the glass too or can they be put directly on the rocks?
  13. redcoat94

    cleaner crew size

    I have a 37 gallon tank with a live sand bed and about 45 pounds of rock (combo of live rock and dead, although the dead seems to be building up an algae base) How many critters should I have in my cleanup crew? The 30-55 gallon crew on this site seems kind of big for what I have. It includes...
  14. redcoat94

    is it the snails or is it me?

    thanks for all the great help seabae. I am going to try to get get my levels better and make sure I am more careful about acclimating. I got an update from my wife and it seems both of my new turbos have died...or if they haven't they have been stationary for a really long time.
  15. redcoat94

    is it the snails or is it me?

    no, not trying to raise the salinity. Just a newbie mistake. I have been trying to lower it now that I have learned the error of my ways. Should I lower the temp also?
  16. redcoat94

    is it the snails or is it me?

    I am at of town right now, but the last I checked it was 1.028. I know that is high. I had been doing evaporation top offs with salt. I have been slowly bringing it down with RO changes. Is that the issue? Also, I keep the water around 78-80 degrees. According to my wife, the turbos have...
  17. redcoat94

    is it the snails or is it me?

    can anybody help?
  18. redcoat94

    is it the snails or is it me?

    I am trying to get my janitor crew going and seem to be in constant battle with my turbo snails. I started by putting them with their foot down on the sand and after 12 hours they were still in the same spot. I tried to help by holding them near the glass until their foot grabbd it. They sat...
  19. redcoat94

    Evaporation top off

    wow that was fast feedback - thanks for the info. :D
  20. redcoat94

    Evaporation top off

    Someone please help me confirm what my LFS told me. This is the third LFS I have visited. I am trying to find one I am comfortable with. I am a very new newbie. Anyway, I was asking about the evaporation I get (about 1 gallon/week). The person I spoke to said that is normal and I should top...