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  1. yelllowtang

    STINGRAY EXPERTS can you answer?

    Oh I'm sorry I meant 140 gallon.
  2. yelllowtang

    STINGRAY EXPERTS can you answer?

    I had a yellow ray before and i kept it in a 14 gallon tank before it died the next day.:confused:
  3. yelllowtang

    "I don't need filtration, I have Zebra muscles"

    Ok people just get over this topic already!!! :D
  4. yelllowtang


    I have never heard of anything like this. But it sounds really cool. I might try it some day. :p
  5. yelllowtang

    Fish In Reef Tank???

    Coral Beauties are a cery cool and beautiful fish. I would go with one of those. ;)
  6. yelllowtang

    3 week cycling?

    I would use Live rock and live sand. Plus some damsels. I dont think its a good idea that you use lobsters from a store. They do need cold water. But lr,ls and damsels is probably one of the best ways to go. And I would let it cycle a little bit more about a week or two. It is a 90 gallon tank...
  7. yelllowtang

    How much salt in the tank?

    You test it with a hydrometer. You can buy them at your lfs. I have a question. Why did you put salt in the water without a hydrometer? Before you started this project did you ask your local fish store what you needed to start? I think you should have looked more into how to start a salt water...
  8. yelllowtang

    update on garlic and ick

    NM Reef do you add the liquid or the smashed clove pieces? :confused:
  9. yelllowtang

    Fed Ex brought my LR today

    Can you please email the pic's to me too? Thank's :p
  10. yelllowtang

    sea horse question?

    Aquaman2 my emil is And allianated on the bottom of you reply it says your from sacramento and i live in napa not too far from sacto I used to live there. But anyway email me the web site. Thank's :p
  11. yelllowtang

    sea horse question?

    Is it true that sea horses like small tanks? I want to have 2 pairs so how big of a tank do you think i need? I heard they like small tank because its easier to catch their food. ;) Thank's to anybody with info. :p
  12. yelllowtang

    sea horse question?

    Is it true that sea horses like small tanks? I want to have 2 pairs so how big of a tank do you think i need? I heard they like small tank because its easier to catch their food. ;) Thank's to anybody with info. :p
  13. yelllowtang

    weird white spots????

    Thank's for the info everybody. :p
  14. yelllowtang

    sea horse question

    I have a question. How big of a tank would I need if I wanted to keep 2 sea horses? like how many gallons? I know that tank has to be tall. I just wnated to know how many gallons.? :confused:
  15. yelllowtang

    weird white spots????

    There are these little tiny white spot that are on the side of my tank and I don't have a clue what they are. There is like 7 spots on each side of the tank. And they were not there a few days ago??? Does anybody have an idea on maybe what they could be? :eek:
  16. yelllowtang

    Global Warming

    ? :eek:
  17. yelllowtang

    Bought Nature Oceans LS - How long before adding fish?

    I think Vince is right. :p I don't think you would have to wait too long maybe 3 to 5 days. :p
  18. yelllowtang

    scary weird and nice fish story

    Oh Thanks for clearing that up. :p
  19. yelllowtang

    Anemone died!

    I hope you didn't throw it out. :eek:
  20. yelllowtang

    55 is up and running

    I think a Picasso trigger would do well in a 55g. :p