Search results

  1. jenfur427

    My new 30gal cube

    I'm partial to the firefish, I think they're cool, especially in groups. My LFS has purple firefish, which I like too.
  2. jenfur427

    My New Nano

    can't wait to see pics!
  3. jenfur427


    Welcome, I'm pretty new myself. I live with my husband and daughter right outside of St Louis, I'm originally from Dallas.
  4. jenfur427

    Gramma's Sick

    I hope she's doing okay, how is she now?
  5. jenfur427

    Maroon Clown digging

    I have a tomato clown that does the same thing right in front of my LTA.
  6. jenfur427

    Feeding Lionfish

    They sell a clear feeding stick at the LFS for $2.50. It might work better since they won't be able to see the skewer. You just want to thread some shrimp or silversides on the end, and make it "swim" through the water. Hopefully that will work, let us know.
  7. jenfur427

    My 20 High at only 4 days old...

    nice aquascaping.
  8. jenfur427

    Entered daughter in photo contest, please vote

    She's in first right now, let's keep her there guys! The contest ends Tuesday!
  9. jenfur427

    new lion!

    Mine always ate ghost shrimp.
  10. jenfur427

    A Few Pics

    It looks good.
  11. jenfur427

    Black Onyx True Percula

    If you get them, post some pics!
  12. jenfur427

    my first saltwater tank

    Looks good.
  13. jenfur427

    updated 75

    Good luck with the idol.
  14. jenfur427

    holiday six pack...up close

    Cool pics, I love the brain!
  15. jenfur427

    My new 55 gal

    Looks good.
  16. jenfur427


    I'm not a fan of them, but my husband likes them. I think their songs are too whiny. I wonder how much longer [hr] [hr] is going to be around (I really don't know how she came into the topic). In her hotel concert, she simlates --- onstage. This coming from the girl who swore she was a...
  17. jenfur427

    Entered daughter in photo contest, please vote

    I entered my daughter in a photo contest, please take the time to vote! (hint, a 10 would be good, LOL)
  18. jenfur427

    Fish Selection Help pls.

    Know that with the gobies, you are going to have to have a really secure tank lid, they are known to jump out of tanks.
  19. jenfur427

    Kole tang

    A kole tang is going to get about 7 inches, and needs a 75 gal or more tank. This is what it says on ***********.... The Ctenochaetus strigosus grows up to 7 inches. The Kole Yellow Eye Tang prefers a tank of at least 80 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim. The Ctenochaetus strigosus is...
  20. jenfur427

    Bought my last fish (pic inside)

    If that pic was really taken in a 180, I really doubt if all three of them would crowd together so you could take a pic. I think you probably do have them all in a 29, along with god knows what else, and don't like having people tell you that it's not right. I hope your fish have a death wish...