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  1. npaladen

    Fish Bite stories!!!!!

    I used to have a cowfish in my tank, I had Bessy for about a year, she had never shown any interest in me what-so-ever when I would puit my arms in the tank to clean. One day I was cleaning and I see her come across the tank very slowly heading straight for my hand. Now, they do not move all...
  2. npaladen

    So whats the deal with Eels???

    I have a snowflake in my tank, and yes he is just as the others say. He digs out underneath rocks and is a terror if he gets hungry running around the tank. Other than that he is great, my only problem was one night he decided to eat my cleaner shrimp, that was an expensive midnight snack for...
  3. npaladen

    Well, I dove in today....

    dshurett, I know exactly how you feel. I got into this hobby (obsession) the exact same way you did. I had always had a freshwater tank and in a moment of blind pasion dove in and started a 10 gal salt. Everything you have sounds fine, except you may need more light, you did ont say what you...
  4. npaladen

    Thoughts on a Yellow Tang in a 46 Bowed

    Hi, I have a yellow tang, a blue tang, and a bi-color angel in my 50 gal reef. Mine all get along just fine except that every now and then the blue tang will give a half-hearted chase of the angel. My yellow and the angel get along great, I would just suggest having a few places that the...
  5. npaladen

    Could it be? yes, another ick question....sorry, i just need help.

    I am not qualified to answer your question about ick, I have never tried the treatment you are trying, ubt about the food. If he will only eat off of the clip you could try putting some spinach or lettuse on there, and I believe most greens are supposed to be all right but those are the only...
  6. npaladen

    Mixing dangerous fish

    I have a snowflake and he is quite peaceful with his tank mates. The only problem he ever has is if one of them goes after his food. I think in fact that my fish like to tease him and purposely try and get his food just to upset him. But I have had no problems, this is my second one and they...
  7. npaladen

    New Addition

    I just got a sally light foot a week ago, and for the first three days he never emerged. Since then he has been all over, I guess he got over whatever problems he had and is now quite entertaining to watch. Also, it has taken a week or a litle more before for me before my clown has bonded with...
  8. npaladen


    I don't have a perc, but I have a maroon and used to have a perc. Both of them would eat just about anything, the only thing my maroon refuses to eat is the seaweed I feed my tangs. Othere than that. . .anything. He eats the frzen cubes of plants I put in the tank, and blood worms, and brine...
  9. npaladen

    HELP. Sebae Anemone Problem

    I also have a sebae anenome, and mine has bonded with a maroon clown. I have heard that the maroons are supposed to be more agressive but mine is just fine with everyone in my tank, so who knows? I think most clowns are supposed to bond with the sebae anenome so you will probably be fine with...
  10. npaladen

    frustrating (many unexplained deaths)

    I also agree with Mr. Salty, I had a very similar problem about three years ago when I got into the hobby (obsession). There were four lfs stores in the town where I lived and it ended up that only two of them were any good. Well, I bought many fish from the two bad ones and lost almost every...
  11. npaladen

    serpent star

    Just a little update for all of those reading this post. I just witnessed the larger of the two serpent stars eat what appeared to be one of my scarlet hermits that also came with my package. Now this is not the end of the world since I got a ton of them in the package, but I may have to come...
  12. npaladen

    serpent star

    I just got a invert package from, and it came with two serpent stars among other things. My questin is this, do I have to feed the serpent stars anything special, or will they just scavenge everything they need? My tank has a snowflake eel in it that is a little bit of a messy eater...
  13. npaladen

    anemone for my perc

    I have a maroon clown and two anenomes. A sebae and a long tentacle, it loves both of them, it just stays in one for a while and then moves onto the other one. I used to have a bubble tip anenome and it never went near it, so who knows? I would guess that getting one of the ones suggested to...
  14. npaladen

    Clean Up Crew!!

    I just got a clean up crew from them today, just about the same one as you. Everything that came was in wonderful shape and looked beautiful. I got two serpent stars and I have never seen two move around as much as these two, I am very pleased with everything I got. I just acclimated...
  15. npaladen

    have you found a easy way

    You could try two nets. If you clear out an open space in the tank scare him over there into the open. Then use a large net to block him from running and a smaller one to corner him and actually catch him. The downside is that there has to be an open space with no rock otherwise I promise he...
  16. npaladen

    need answers quick please

    I jut moved from Oregon to Arizona, something like 1600 miles and I brought my 50 gal reef with me. I emtied all of the water out of it into containers and put my fish in those. Then took all of the live rock out and put it in a cooler the same way I got it from an internet site. I.e. with wet...
  17. npaladen


    I used to have a cowfish in my tank until it tragically perished in an ick outbreak. It never released any toxin, or at least nothing that killed anything in my tank. But, I had read that they were supposed to. So I guess I read that they do have toxins (at least the cowfish), but mine did...
  18. npaladen

    feeding tips for snowflake eel?

    I just toss it in there, but the way my tank is set up there is a current that puts the food right in front of his face so the whole roaming the tank thing is not a problem. He in fact like to come out and swim for about a half hour after the lights go off every night, I have no idea why. I do...
  19. npaladen

    DIY 250W Metal Halide for about $100- IT WORKS!!!

    I would love to hear how you did it, get that website up and running and let us know all about it. I currently am running a hood with four flourescents in it at 30W each. I hate it, but seeing as how I am curently in college I cannot afford to go out and even purchase a retro kit. But if I...
  20. npaladen

    Clown problems

    I have a clownfish also that I love dearly. When I first got him I had a couple of blue damsels. From the moment I put him in there I had problems. One of the damsels decided that he did not like my clown and went right after him. My clownfish was afraid to come out and just hid for the...