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  1. jackson_uk

    Where to get PCs from in the UK?

    The problem with UK stuff though is that it runs on a different voltage to everyone else. This is annoying because i have seen quite a few light systems that ar Perfect to my needs.
  2. jackson_uk

    Fire Goby (Firefish) fin question

    Id say the clown done it. My tomato clown done the same to my firefish, took off the majority of its pectoral fins and about half of the dorsal. Just keep an eye on them and try to keep the clown well fed :)
  3. jackson_uk

    Using Actnics to simulate dawn and dusk?

    for some reason i have got stuck in my head that the sun is more intense when it is low....Bet im wrong, someone prove me wrong please.
  4. jackson_uk

    Hermit Stunts!!!

    I race my hermits :) when they're all on the substrate i put a peice of cockle at the top of a piece of liverock and watch them scramble up the verticall rock to the top...but usually by the time they've got there the Candy cane shrimp has ran off with it. Hehe
  5. jackson_uk


    Thats good. But where did you get the water from that you put into the tank?
  6. jackson_uk

    new tank stand in the works

    :eek: :eek: :eek: .......*breathes*.....:eek: :eek: :eek: that is Gorgeous!
  7. jackson_uk


    yup, your corals will not like Ammonia at all. So its best to get rid of it asap. When you done your water changes did you use RO water, or tap water?
  8. jackson_uk

    Where to get PCs from in the UK? Can you tell me a good site for T5 lights aswell please? the ones i've looked at have just been the bulbs and not the starter unit...put all info in the email...i also have MSN messenger under the same address.
  9. jackson_uk


    It worked fine when my freshwater discus got a Fluke...Im not certain about marines.
  10. jackson_uk

    Where to get PCs from in the UK?

    Hey all Anyone know where i can get power conpact lighting from in the UK? Web sites or anything? Jackson
  11. jackson_uk

    Would this work?

    Hmmm im not sure if they do have smaller T5's over here...think i've seen a 60cm (24") long unit that has T5's, im pretty certain. I think Arcadia might do it. I'd like T5's...but like i said im only 16, so i dont get much a week. So i think i'll end up sticking to 2 15w T8's with...
  12. jackson_uk

    Would this work?

    Hey I'd like PC's or VHO over my Nano, but in the UK they're expensive, and i'm only 16 so my wages from work are pretty low. I hate having a heater showing so yes that is why i want to hide it in the skimmer. I am a member on, posted the same message there but didnt get many...
  13. jackson_uk

    Would this work?

    timedwards - im' from Stroud in Gloucestershire, and i work for World of Water in Gloucester. Anyway i was just wandering about if haveing the thermostat and filter media will work efficiently? of should i just stick it in the tank? Shep - That would help me loads, but we dont have those pumps...
  14. jackson_uk

    Would this work?

    i plan to have it as a Nano, i have experience with Nano's, got a 22g running at the moment. As for lighting id probably go for another 15w T8 standard, id only keep soft corals in there. Anyway my main question is about the Prizm, so if ya got any ideas then please tell me. Jackson
  15. jackson_uk

    Would this work?

    Ok, My manager at work is offering me a tank...For Free! Heres the specs below: Width - 24" Height - 8" Depth - 12" 15w Single tube (I know, i need more lighting) Filter/pump Heater Air pump I worked it out as 10 uk gallons..well 9.998, anyways. I've seen someone have a Prizm skimmer on their...
  16. jackson_uk

    New job at pet store

    We're getting a marine section where i work soon so i better get reading up. Its great because i only work on saturdays (im 16) be me and the assistant manager are the only 2 who understand marines. Yeah, i always say "im not sure, but i'll just go check for you" but anyways you'll be fine
  17. jackson_uk

    Is my tank full?

    Yeah Sure, just done a water change and tested water before hand. Tank Started: August 2002 First Fish Added: 29/09/02 Last Fish Added: 31/12/02 Ammonia - 0.0 Nitrite - 0.0 Nitrate - 5.0 Sg - 1.025 Only had one fish die on me and that was when i added the first fish. I was looking for something...
  18. jackson_uk

    Is my tank full?

    Ok, i was just wondering if my tank was up to its maximum stocking level for fish, or possibly over...heres the specs Juwel Lido 100L (22g) tank 2 x 15w with reflectors Internal Juwel Filter (300g/h) Fluval 304 external (1000g/h) thats also pulling water through a fluval 204 external (i'll...
  19. jackson_uk


    Hey all Just suddenly thought when i was looking at my flame scallop possible to get oysters to put into a tank? Is there any info out there about them at all? Just curious. Jackson
  20. jackson_uk

    tank pics!!!!!!!

    hey, i got that same unknown crab in my tank, bout the size of a fingernail and is camoflaged against the substrate. Pretty cool