Search results

  1. diddykang

    What The *%#~ They're Hideous!?!?!

    i betcha its from the rock
  2. diddykang

    My Diasyzoo!

    j21kickster what do you have for lights in there!?!?
  3. diddykang

    Questions For starting a 55 gallon tank

    if you are just going to run flourescents just buy electronic ballast caps and build a DIY hood
  4. diddykang

    I've HAD IT with this overflow system, help

    whats stopping you from drilling it?
  5. diddykang

    I got hooked today, need help understanding what I'm getting into!

    the best way to have those questions answered would be to just take all the key words from those questions and do a search for them in this forum!!
  6. diddykang

    how much does this weigh

    how much is a 165 gallon glass aquarium gona weigh with overflows...i am talking the glass only
  7. diddykang

    Fish only eye candy...

    that trigger doesnt pick at the anenomes?
  8. diddykang

    Damsel behavior?

    no the temperature drop probably didnt harm the fish..ich is always a possibility though. As for the fish and their docile behavior that is just due to your tank being brand new. Your tank is cycling now and youe ammonia levels and your trites are gonna be high and that is gonna cause your...
  9. diddykang

    i cant catch this mother

    hey everyone i was wondering if anyone new a good way to catch a fish without rearangin rock and what not..i have a tomato clown and he is bein a real [hr] to catch!!thanks all
  10. diddykang

    Name This Anemone

    that is no anenome it is a half asss dead goniopora coral
  11. diddykang

    Picasso and a Niger - Will it work?

    i tried it and it failed miserably...the picasso was all over the niger
  12. diddykang

    Fish list

    not going to work
  13. diddykang

    will CBS harm clowns?

  14. diddykang

    what to add

    hey there i have a 25 gallon with a tomato and a percula..i know you arent suposed to mix clowns but its workin...i think i want to add either a fire goby, golden head sleeper goby, or a scooter blenny......what would be the best choice thanks!!
  15. diddykang

    Such thing as TOO MUCH FLOW ?

    as long as you have no corals and your fish arent pinned against the glass you should be alright
  16. diddykang

    stocking my 75

    i have tried mixing perculas and clarkkis and it was a definate no-go
  17. diddykang


    why is it bad if it dips down low
  18. diddykang

    adding liverock?

    would a 15 minute drive back from the LFS cause the LR to become uncured again?
  19. diddykang

    Which Tang?

    i would go for a chevron
  20. diddykang

    titan trigger!!!

    holy crap 70 cm!!!!!!!! i would love to see some pictures of someone that actually has one of these