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  1. stevel

    what skimmer

    Thanks for the link. I am using a sea clone now but would like to find something better. I thought someone would have one set up this way that could give me a brand or model number. Seems like the lfs only carry seaclone,prizm and nautilus. Thanks steve
  2. stevel

    what skimmer

    Can anyone suggest a skimmer that would stand outside my sump and be around 24" tall? All I can find is in the sump models or hang on models. Can in the in sump models be plumbed to work outside the sump?Also it would have to handle at least 125 gal. thanks Steve
  3. stevel

    My eel has gotten mean

    I have had this eel for a long time and he has never been this bad .He has eaten his share of small fish because I forrgot to feed him. But I was told that he shouldn't attack anything that he couldn't eat whole so I tried a kole tang but after 2 days I found it 's tail section only. The tang...
  4. stevel

    My eel has gotten mean

    I have been trying to restock my tank after a power outage killed all my fish except my 12 yr old SFE eel. The eel's about 2' long.The problem is the only fish that he doesn't kill is a dwaf lion.He's eaten 2 clowns,2 kole tangs,2 damsels and now a large Hawian hawk. I use to have no problem...
  5. stevel

    I think my snowflakes time has come....

    I don't think it's old age because I have one thats almost 12 yr old.
  6. stevel

    are all bugs good?

    Since taking my fish out of the main tank to treat them for ick in the hospital tank my main tank has become loaded with bugs. There are hundereds of them and many different kinds. They are all over the sand,glass and lr even with the lights on.Are all these bugs good? It looks kind of creepy.
  7. stevel

    Cold Water Cycling

    I was wondering the same thing.I'm using a 55gal tank I had to set up a local tank.The water temps around here are between 60 and 75 when the fish are around.Will the live sand thats comes in plastic bags at the lfs work at these temps to get it cycling?
  8. stevel

    How much salt to get 1.009?

    Can anybody tell me how many ounces of salt it takes to make up a gallon of seawater at 1.009? This is for my water changes in my hospital tank .
  9. stevel

    water changes in a hospital tank

    Thanks anthem. Should I move the skimmer to the hospital tank? Steve
  10. stevel

    water changes in a hospital tank

    I have a 55gal tank I just set up as a hospital tank because of a ick outbreak. Once I get the salinity down to .009 how often should I do a water change and howmany gals should I change? I have 1-coral beauty,1-yellow eye tang,1-clown,1-puffer,1-morey eel in the tank.The tank has not cycled so...
  11. stevel

    Sperating 30 long into a refugium & sump?

    I'm useing a 30 long for my sump and 1/4" acrylic for the dividers. I bought one large piece and cut the pieces I needed out of it then I used silicone (aquarium safe) to glue them in.I don't think there is any preasure on them because there is water on both sides of the dividers. Steve
  12. stevel

    sump filters

    wamp, my pump is in the sump. thhe sump is a simple design it has the supply from the tank at one end with a eggcrate tray and the return pump at the other end with the L/R and L/S in the middle. I thought I could use the eggcrate to put carbon,phosphate sponge or some kind of mechanical...
  13. stevel

    sump filters

    Is a sponge filter needed when using a sump?I took the sponges out of the overflow box and replaced them with stand pipes to quiet it down.I am still using a sponge on the return pump.I find that some food gets on the sponge and now since I have live rock in the sump any critters would not make...
  14. stevel

    Does anyone use tap water

    I also bought a RO/DI unit off ---- .Mine is a 5 stage 75gal per day for $139 . works great
  15. stevel

    plants growing on my live rock

    nice link! I see what I got growing now.Thanks
  16. stevel

    plants growing on my live rock

    I believe it is caulerpa type stuff.The cabs cleaned the hair algae off but don't seem to want to touch these.The tang grazes around it and doesn't touch it either.One is a very bright green and looks like grass,the other is brown and looks like kelp in the shape of oak leaves.
  17. stevel

    plants growing on my live rock

    My tank has been going now for about 2 months.I'm starting to get some plants growing on the live rock. Some look like seaweed and another looks like Maidens Hair. Is it ok to leave it in my tank or should I try to remove it and put it in my sump? It looks really natural in there but I'm afraid...
  18. stevel

    live rock is shooting out a plume

    Well I'm not seeing things my son just saw it happen. I can't wait to see what it is.It's got to be pretty big by the size of the plume. Steve
  19. stevel

    live rock is shooting out a plume

    Wow so I'm going crazy. I'll have to watch at night with the flash light. It really is a worm poopen? I thought it might be somthing sending out spores or or something cool like that but it's just poop? O well I'm still gonna look for it tonight Thanks, Steve
  20. stevel

    live rock is shooting out a plume

    I know I ask alot of dumb questions and this one might be the topper. Three different times now I have seen my live rock shoot out sideways a plume of gue that dissapates in the water after the current gets a hold of it. Looks like the rock is sneezing.It is coming out a hole on the side of it.I...