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  1. dan-in-den


    The only time that I've ever seen mine "hidden" was when one of them decided to move into the holes on the top of my powerhead. It was cute to watch him with just his head sticking out. Sometimes, one would be inside and the other would dart in one hole and the other would come shooting out...
  2. dan-in-den


    That's wierd. I was just at a clients and I was able to access it from there. Oh well, that's why I have a job :) Let me know if you need a place to host your web site or need any help. That's what I do for a living :D
  3. dan-in-den


    Try going to Camarades and use their free webcam software. The link is below. Then you can use their server to handle the distribution of the streaming video. Camarades Video cams You can go to my test website at Dan's Reef and click on the webcam icon (it will tell you if I'm online or not)...
  4. dan-in-den

    where to mark for water line

    I use a dry erase marker to mark the water level on my sump. 1 gallon represents approximately a 1.375" change. That way I can determine my evaporation rate. I also use a dry erase marker on my tank glass to circle things I want to watch. Then, once I figure out what it is, I just rub it off.
  5. dan-in-den


    Mine are almost always chasing each other from rock to rock but it doesn't appear to be aggressive in nature. When they finally decide to rest, it is usually side by side. How many do you have? I just have the two blues. My original order was for 2 blue and 2 gold but the gold never showed...
  6. dan-in-den

    worm ID? (no pic)

    The coloration was like pic #1 but I didn't see any appendages other than what looked like swimming feet underneath (kinda like a shrimps) The shape was like pic #2 but I didn't notice any eyes. Definitely nothing like #3 I assume, that if it's #2, you want him? :)
  7. dan-in-den

    worm ID? (no pic)

    under a red lens, it appears to be brownish in color and about 2 - 3cm long. It's diameter is about 1 - 1.5cm. If I had to describe it, it looked like one of those "rolly polly" or "pill" bugs that curl into a ball when disturbed. It appeared to have multiple legs like a pill bug. Another...
  8. dan-in-den


    I'm always looking through a magnifying glass, trying to spot anything new and quess who is always blocking my view? Yup, at least one of my two neon blue gobys will be following me around, getting in my way. Really messes up my eyes when I'm focused on something 6 inches away and all of a...
  9. dan-in-den

    kalk help

    Here's the link that I used to build my doser: DIY doser I used the 2 gallon dispenser from Walmart (Rubbermaid - Stacking water dispenser). It was $5.82. I bought the canula at a medical supply warehouse locally and it was $6. Works great. For right now, I'm just tying a knot in the line to...
  10. dan-in-den

    rubble pod farm

    I put some larger pieces on either side to act as a wall. I just walked in and found my two cleaner shrimp reaching down and feeling around inside the rock :) I'm considering a goby/pistol shrimp combo so they will probably destroy anything I build anyways. Oh well, that's life in the...
  11. dan-in-den

    rubble pod farm

    I took a handful of rubble that had dried out and dumped it into a corner of the tank to see if it gave protection to the pods and give them a place to multiply since I don't have a fuge set up yet. As you can see from the picture, a lot of ditritus is getting trapped there because the hermits...
  12. dan-in-den

    Too much fun!

    good point! Next time I'm out and about I'll watch :thinking:
  13. dan-in-den

    Too much fun!

    My Flame Hawk chases my laser pointer. Makes him appear to be even more "puppyish" :happyfish I was able to get him to follow it all the way across the tank and back. and yes, I'm bored right now :) I thought fish couldn't see red light
  14. dan-in-den

    I think my fish are afraid of the dark?

    I have 7 Green Chromis and they disappear at lights out. In fact, about an hour before the timer turns off the lights, they start looking into caves and jockeying for position. It is the only time that they show any kind of agressiveness. In the morning, when the lights come on, they start...
  15. dan-in-den

    Holiday Kiss

    He ate the mistletoe I was in the process of making the "lime cat" into an avatar but someone beat me to it so I went through my humor folder until I found this picture of a Himilayan (I think) getting a bath. I felt that the expression on that cat kinda summed up how I initially felt when...
  16. dan-in-den

    ricordea behavior

    Thanks for the info. I fed one a piece of hermit crab once and it slowly absorbed it and then, over a period of a few minutes, it stretched up until all I could see was the shaft and then it "spit" out the crab and went back down to normal. Reminded me of an old 1950's B rated horror movie :)
  17. dan-in-den

    Holiday Kiss

    Kinda gross actually :eek:
  18. dan-in-den

    ricordea behavior

    Every once in a while I'll see all of my ricordea "stretching" like this. They might stay this way for an hour or two and then go back to lying flat on the rock again. Anything to be concerned about? Thanks,
  19. dan-in-den

    Is this aptasia?

    Originally posted by Tagg What are those little things that are about 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Inbeded in LR. Ther look like the top of the birdy in a badmitten game. I always called them a glass anemone. Slightest thing,,, and they retract...? A polyp? Excellent description (top of birdy)! I found...
  20. dan-in-den

    hermit crab death

    Thanks for the info. The one in the shell is definitely dead and the others may have been molts. My peppermint shrimp keep trying to pull it out but haven't had any luck yet. It's fun to watch them. My tank is still immature (about 2 months old) and I don't have my lighting built yet so I'm...