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  1. dan-in-den

    hermit crab death

    in fact, you might be able to see the peppermint shrimp working on the dead crab by going to The lights on the tank are on from roughly 8am to 8pm MST
  2. dan-in-den

    hermit crab death

    During the night, it appears that I lost 3 or 4 hermit crabs and another one died today. I pulled out the bodies of the ones that died during the night (they were out of their shell and mostly eaten) but left the latest casualty in the tank, still in the shell. Only changes over the past few...
  3. dan-in-den

    neon goby living in power head

    hahahaha. I can just see him shooting 3 feet into the air It's cute the way he sits in there with just his head poking out. They are both out right now so maybe I can sneak up on him and plug the hole. They are busy chasing food around. That did it. He's blocked now. Now I'll probably end...
  4. dan-in-den

    neon goby living in power head

    I've been trying to catch him with his head out but he's too fast. He/she/it lives in the holes atop my Maxi-Jet 1200 (where the clip for the airline goes). He spends most of his day with just his head sticking out and the other goby sitting on top of the powerhead. Do gobys (gobi?) have a...
  5. dan-in-den

    diy yourself MH lighting

    Originally posted by rangermonroe yeah, I only have 2 bulbs, If I had three, I would have one over the center support and it wouldn't do much good other than heat up the tank. But you sure can see the shadow toward the center, cantcha? Are your MH bulbs position longways (parallel to the...
  6. dan-in-den

    diy yourself MH lighting

    ahhhhh now I'm starting to see (said the blind man). Next question: What bulbs to buy for the M58 ballast? Any 10K? Ushio 10K? Steal bulbs from the pot grower down the street?
  7. dan-in-den

    Turbo hitchhiker

    sure would be helpful if I posted the picture :)
  8. dan-in-den

    diy yourself MH lighting

    and I get even more confused :thinking: The Advance 71A5750 is also labeled as M58 on the box. Does that mean this Advance ballast will run any MH 250's? Not just saki's?
  9. dan-in-den

    Turbo hitchhiker

    Can anyone identify this hitchhiker on a large Turbo snail? It is about .5cm in diameter. I took the snail out and verified that it was definitely a hitchhiker and not a discoloration. I could put my fingernail under the edge of it. It does not have a hole in the center like a key limpet...
  10. dan-in-den

    diy yourself MH lighting

    Originally posted by cmack What bulbs can you run with the M-58 Ballasts? I'm curious also. I just went to Graybar and checked out their ballast. They didn't carry the Advance 71A3802-600 but could order it from Advance and it would have cost me about $50. The guy there said they stocked...
  11. dan-in-den

    125 tank is bowing

    You'all made me curious so I measured my 125g (glass). It is bowed out 1/4" at the center point as compared to each end. This means, assuming equal bow on front and back glass, a 1/8" bow over 6 feet. I sure hope that is acceptable. shoot. Now I'm not gonna be able to sleep.:confused:
  12. dan-in-den

    Careful bout them HANDS!

    I wash with Ivory bar soap because it is the easiest to rinse off and leaves no residue. My eye doctor told me that since (as all contace lens wearers know) it only takes a miniscule amount of soap on your hands to ruin your entire day when putting in contacts I would guess that fish feel the...
  13. dan-in-den


    Most of the time I forget that the cam is on and end up standing in front of it watching the tank. Soooo, if you get a butt shot, sorry :hilarious It was 4 degrees this morning when I woke up so you are lucky you're not here right now :scared:
  14. dan-in-den


    I use WebCam from You can see the tank (and usually me sitting in front of the aquarium) during the "lights on" period (about 8am to 8pm MST) go to If I'm at my desk, you can ask me to move the camera around and I'll be happy to oblige. Tank is...
  15. dan-in-den

    MH lighting - position on hood?

    Both of you - Thanks. That's basically what I had read and was looking to see if anyone else had some contradictory information.
  16. dan-in-den

    MH lighting - position on hood?

    So far, lighting is the most confusing thing I've run into :help: The question is: is it best to position a MH lamp so that it is lengthwise to the tank or crosswise to the tank? (when looking down from top) For example: Position #1, lengthwise: [hr] -...
  17. dan-in-den

    Do Turbos eat ricordea?

    I'm finding out why they are referred to as bulldozers. I figure that in another week or two, I should have the most stable rock formations possible since they are seeking out any balancing rocks I've got in there. It's really nerve-racking to be sitting at my desk and hear a 5 pound rock hit...
  18. dan-in-den

    Powerheads off when feeding?

    I'm so new at this that I hesitate to reply but I turn off my powerheads and all other circulation devices while feeding. That way the bottom feeders will be able to snack for a while before things start blowing around. It also makes it easier to coax my shrimp out for some hand-feeding...
  19. dan-in-den

    Do Turbos eat ricordea?

    I've just saw one of my large Turbos getting ready to crawl onto the rock with my 7 green ricordeas. After quite a tussle, and one minor rockslide, I finally got him in a full nelson and banished him to the corner of the ring. Would he have hurt the ricordeas? The largest ricordea is about 5...
  20. dan-in-den

    green chromis

    I just added 7 green chromis to my 125g reef that, up until now, has only had about 20 hermits. (YEAH! my first fish!!!!) They immediately schooled and started roaming around the entire tank riding the current. I noticed that they were hitting the glass an awful lot and upon closer observation...