Search results

  1. washowi

    bristle worms good or bad

    They are great for the tank and will harm nothing. If ya don't want them, send them to me. Some of the best thigs to keep a clean tank.
  2. washowi

    Why are my snails dying!!!

    crabs eating you have hermit's?
  3. washowi

    feather duster

    When did ya put him in? I bury the base of mine in the sand or tuck it into the rocks. If he doesn't like it, he will move on his own. Feeding - they are filter feeders. Anything in the water colum. Cyclopeeze is great. Use it if you don't. I use the frozen type. Mysis bits, anything the tank gets.
  4. washowi

    MH Light makes temp rise

    I will pass on a tip I got from Walt Smith. Look him up if you are not familiar with him or his name. Anyway, he told me ALL of his corals come from water of around 74 to 76 degrees. And that all tanks should be kept at 78 degrees or less. Now that I have said that, I am sure I will get...
  5. washowi

    Long Nose Butterfly

    Ditto the Dog. If you have Feather Dusters they will be gone. Or any worms. Other than that, great fish. I know lots of people with them. I am getting one myself for my tank. Todd
  6. washowi

    PH to low

    You need to buffer up. Get Kent Buffer up or equivalent.
  7. washowi

    reusing bioballs in new tank?

    Originally Posted by Mr_Bill 15k hqi bulbs? Sorry changing subject, trying to pick out new bulbs. :notsure: Yes they are 14K Hamiltons HQI. 2-400w with (2) 50/50-135 w PC's as well. Alot of light in this 90G. I put a PAR meter in there and was getting 695 at the top and getting 280 on the...
  8. washowi

    A little help, please

    I see you are from Atlanta. Me too. You a member of the Atlanta Reef Club? We are 300+ and very active club. Our May meeting is at the Georgia Aquarium. We are also puuting on SaltwaterU2 at the same time. Visit for that. Everyone should come to...
  9. washowi

    reusing bioballs in new tank?

    Originally Posted by Thomas712 Very nice, Is that a scallop in the front? Thanks No that's a Derasa Clam. I have 10 clams in there now. Croceas's, Derasa's, Squamosa's, Gold Maxima's, etc. Buying another Crocea this week. I am a clam junkie. BTW they are great for reducing nitrates!!
  10. washowi

    Red Sand?

    Originally Posted by dartman I have only two damsels I do over feed but I feed only every other day. I plan on getting more fish this shold help with the over feeding and also will my cleaning crew eat this Cyno? more fish means more bio load. Nothing eats cyno that I am aware of. You can try...
  11. washowi

    reusing bioballs in new tank?

    Well if anything we got you to clean the balls right..:) Just so you know I am not a hack aquarist. Here is my tank. It is 2 years old and never had Bio-balls ----ever. Todd
  12. washowi

    reusing bioballs in new tank?

    Too each his own Thomas. Happy reefing. BTW - What I sated is NOT trash. It is Fact. You use Bio-balls, then have fun cleaning them. I take the natural way of maintaining a reef. If you choose otherwise, So be it. I will tel you to, They are not needed.
  13. washowi

    reusing bioballs in new tank?

    Originally Posted by SaltFan Just take it slow, you'll be ok using Bio-Balls. It can happen with the nitrates, not saying it will, like the others, who are making you panic here. You have to clean them off just as if they were filter media, just not as often, as it does take some time for these...
  14. washowi

    calcium reactor and protein skimmer Todd
  15. washowi

    Feeding Frozen Mysis Shrimp

    Just break it off and hold in the water. That's the fun of it all my fish eat right out of my hands. Don't wash it, thaw it. You will be washing all the nutirents away.
  16. washowi

    Red Sand?

    Originally Posted by dartman I don't know phosate levels I don't have a tester. I use RO/DI. I currently run lighting for 12 1/2 hours MH PC combo. Is cyno bad for your tank? It sure isn't good for it. I run my lights like this (I use 2 400w 14K MH with 2 50/50 dual atintics -135w each)...
  17. washowi

    reusing bioballs in new tank?

    Originally Posted by irondog I have a bta kenya tree mushrooms green poplys zoo's lighting 1x150hqi 2x36 fluoresents ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 10 phosphates 0.5 alk 11.8dkh 4.32meg/l calcium 480 mag 1410 ph 8.2 temp 80 sg 1.024 tank been up an running 4yrs now only month an half with...
  18. washowi

    Am I Not Getting Somethin???

    Originally Posted by AUFishman People buy a lot of things they don't really need. It's like going to buy a car. While you cane drop $50K for a loaded ride, the stripped down model that goes for $20K is still going to get you from point A to point B. You can make a filter yourself for $50 or less...
  19. washowi

    Can I add water yet?

    Originally Posted by Biggredd I have no idea if there are any clubs around here. Don't know where to start looking. Guess I could ask the LFS. I'm going to purchase 50 lb base rock (previously live) tonight but won't be here for a couple days. I will purchase some LR soon. At least 25-50...
  20. washowi

    Can I add water yet?

    Not sure if I am allowed to cross post but I will try quickly. go to best place I know. I hang in the Atlanta side. It's the biggest forum on that site.