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  1. liz s.

    Giant African Snails

    wow...that is amazing and gross...all at the same time...
  2. liz s.

    cucumber vs. starfish

    :help: I've recently added an adorable Sea Cucumber to my tank...everything was fine...until yesterday evening when I noticed my chocolate chip starfish is starting to look like someone has been nibbling on him. I've seen the cucumber near him on the glass. Could the cucumber be eating him? I...
  3. liz s.

    ***** blanket statement about ***** seems to be incorrect. I apologize for any offense. HOWEVER, I will rephrase it; In my experience with the ***** here locally, the fish are sick, do not live, and are not necessarily priced lower than those at the store specializing in SW fish. As for...
  4. liz s.


    Ok 'Doodle'...I know you're not anti-*****...maybe you've gotten lucky...maybe you're not as impatient as we are. I would like to, just once, purchase a fish there I didn't have to Quarantine for a year and pray over daily just to get it to survive. It's not that ***** itself is bad, they...
  5. liz s.


    I've said it before and I'll say it again...***** SUCKS.
  6. liz s.

    question about agae.

    I had a major nusiance (hair, whatever you call it) algae problem after I bought my new light. I purchased three emerald crabs and they are the most amazing creatures ever! It's not all gone as they've only been in there a week...but it's looking so much better...and they were so...
  7. liz s.


    yes sir...will drop them off on my way out of town...i hate to do it...but Dori cost more! sorta makes me sad...but, i never shoulda got them to begin with....we learn as we go huh? Have a wonderful day...Happy Easter...gotta get it together and get outta town...lots of eggs to dye today...
  8. liz s.


    The easter bunny told me.... he's a very close friend of mine...
  9. liz s.


    RICH-Dori is a very pretty name for a very pretty fish!:) The Damsels will be returning to the store today...all five of them:( My tank will look so lonely.... I did, however, get a marvelous emerald crab to make me feel better....even if he did pinch the fire out of me...
  10. liz s.


    They were the first ones in...and this has been the first issue... I'm getting a bit frustrated here...THank you...will remove damsels...
  11. liz s.


    AAARRRGGGHHH!!!! So now what? I have a special ordered,waited on forever, just finally came in Dori that I need to do somethign with...or just the damsel? the others seem to like her fine...
  12. liz s.


    I thought damsels were nice....! I have five of them...all different. And they get along fine with one another...Are the other damsels gonna start pickin' on her too?????
  13. liz s.


    Any reason why my blue yellow tailed damsel would attack my Regal Tang? They're the same size...and the damsel seems to hate Dori...
  14. liz s.


    Yes, it's frustrating, but it's worth it...Be'll happen...
  15. liz s.


    You have a valid point. However, as a national I really think that my letting that fish die is going to stop them? Fish die there daily. It breaks my heart to think of them...
  16. liz s.


    Sorry...that makes more sense...I am just so frustrated right now. There is a wonderful pet store here locally. I will take him/her/it to them just as soon as I know it's well...Someone metioned a freshwater bath. What is it? How do I do it?
  17. liz s.


    Thank you. I, for one, am finished with *****. I will be returning their sick fish today, whether they want the darn thing back or not.
  18. liz s.


    There wasn't anythign wrong with him that I know of...but we all know that ***** is not the best place to be if you're an animal. The tanks are dirty, dead fish are floating everywhere, and there are 50 fish to a tank. NO MORE FISH FROM *****.
  19. liz s.


    i'm afraid i've killed the one i've got... sailfin is in separate tank...has white spots all over him...any suggestions??? yellow tang still has red splotches...but getting better...
  20. liz s.


    not good. yellow tang now has red spots...going right now for add'l tank...gonna separate them...and rearrange...AARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not good at all...:(